關鍵詞:師徒功能、職涯滿意、離職傾向、職涯適應力、調節式中介效果 ;This study adopted Mentoring Function and Career Adaptability as inspiration to explore. The major purpose of this study is to examine joint and interactive effects of mentoring and career adaptability on career satisfaction and turnover intention among 342 employees in a technology company. The results showed that mentoring was negatively associated with turnover intention, with mediated by career satisfaction. The results also demonstrated that career adaptability moderated the relationship between mentoring and career satisfaction such that this positive relationship was stronger among employees with a higher level of career adaptability. The hypothesis of moderated mediation was also supported that for employees with higher level of career adaptability, the indirect effect of mentoring on turnover intention through career satisfaction was stronger.
Use questionnaire to collect research data. The data was collected from research object - P technology company employees, 342 copies were valid, and recovery rate was 75.5%. Adopted statistical analysis techniques such as CFA, Correlation Analysis, Process Model Regression Analysis, and the outcomes are summarized as follows: 1. Career Satisfaction has partially significantly mediated effect between Mentoring Function and Turnover Intention. 2. Career Adaptability has partially significantly moderated effect between Mentoring Function and Career Satisfaction. 3. Career Adaptability has significantly moderated mediation effect between Mentoring Function via the mediator of Career Satisfaction and indirect effect to Turnover Intention.
Finally, according research results, the conclusions and suggestions of this study will be provided as references for further study.
Key words: Mentoring Function, Career Satisfaction, Turnover Intention, Career Adaptability, Moderated-Mediation Effect