本研究以自編訪談大綱,針對桃園市龍潭區104年度接受客委會補助之國民小學客語生活學校為研究對象,以客語生活學校之校長、教務(導)主任、教學組長、擔任客語教學之支援教師等教育人員進行深度訪談。 客語生活學校自92年開辦時63所學校參與,到104年多達563所國民中、小學、幼兒園參與,12年之間申請的校數大幅成長將近十倍,對學校而言,補助金的挹注的確是一大誘因,不但可以讓學校以客語為學校發展的特色,對小朋友來說,也有多元體驗的機會。而客委會推動客語生活學校政策的用心和努力的程度,也獲得大多數老師給予正面的評價,透過客家藝文競賽大家同台競技也不失為一個學習的好方法。 本研究運用競賽學習的觀點,探討客家藝文競賽對於客語生活學校實施的影響。藉由競賽流程與競賽成果對於競賽本身的影響,並企圖找出客家藝文競賽的教育意義。因此,本研究的目的為: 1. 客家藝文競賽歷年實施情形。參與競賽對學校推行客語生活學校的影響?獲獎情形與參賽動機的關聯性? 2. 客家藝文競賽對教師在本土語言的教學及學生學習本土語言的影響為何? 3. 競賽學習對客語傳承的影響。 競賽學習意義是希望客語教學能夠生活化、公共化、教學化、多元化、社區參與為原則,透過客家藝文競賽的模式,刺激小朋友學習客家語,體驗客家文化,增加學生參與活動的動機與興趣。 ;This research is according to a outline of interview composed by myself. The object of this research is aiming to Hakka life schools which are subsidized by Hakka Affairs Council in 104 year in Taoyuan Longtan area, having depth interview with Hakka life schools′ principal, director of academic affairs, section chief of curriculum and teachers who asisted Hakka lan-guage teaching. There were 63 schools participated in Hakka life school when it set up in 92 year and it reached up to 563 junior high and elementary schools in 104 year . The application quentity sharply increased almost 10 times within 12 years. For school, the financial subsidy is indeed a great incentive. Not only can let Hakka culture become school′s feature but children can also have a chance to experience different kinds of life. Hakka Affairs Council′s effort of popu-larizing Hakka life school gained lots of positive evaluations form teachers as well. It is a good approach to learn through Hakkas literary arts competition. This research applied view of competition learning and probed the influence of Hakkas literary arts competition to the conduct of Hakka life school. Finding out the education mean-ing of Hakkas literary arts competition through the effect of the competition process and achievement to the competition. The purposes of this research were: 1. The circumstances of Hakkas literary arts competition every year. The influence of at-tending the competition to school which implemented Hakka life school. The circumstances of winning the prize and the relation between motivation to attending the competition. 2. The influence of Hakkas literary arts competition for teachers teach local language and students learn it. 3. The influence of Hakkas literary arts competition in Hakka heritage. The meaning of Hakkas literary arts competition is a hope that Hakka language teaching can popularize , motivating children to learn Hakka language,experience Hakka culture through Hakkas literary arts competition.