由私營部門自行取得道路鋪面的試驗結果,對汽機車駕駛而言是不利的,因為他們可以對這些試驗結果進行操緃,便能將不符合規範的材料用作道路鋪面。本研究目的是從政府的角度上研擬一套盲樣測試的機制,以檢測出被私營部門所影響而進行的操緃結果。 本研究對以往文獻進行了全面的回顧,以重新審視目前的機制。在研擬這個針對道路鋪面材料試(檢)驗所特製的檢測機制時,對於實際進行試驗的實驗室和待測試的樣品都是採取隨機性地進行選派,因此在實驗室和待測樣品之間會產生數百萬種的組合,所以對於那些想操緃測試結果的人而言是無法預測的。 以臺北市13家主要材料供應商的測試樣品,該機制的評估顯示,結果很符合實際的情況,且在實際樣品和測試樣品之間的偏差值收斂至小於13.43%。研究結果還顯現政府不僅可節省預算而且道路鋪面的品質亦到了改善。 ;It is harmful for motorists as the pavement test results obtained by private sectors can be manipulated so that disqualified materials would be used for pavement. The study objective is to develop a blind sample test mechanism from the government viewpoint to detect manipulated results yielded by private sectors. A comprehensive literature review was carried out to re-review the current mechanism. A customized mechanism for pavement material testing was developed by adopting randomly selection of laboratories and test samples. Millions of combinations were created and are literally unpredictable for those who may try to manipulate test results. Using test samples from 13 major material suppliers in Taipei area, an evaluation for the mechanism shows the findings that are fitting the actual situation more. The deviation converges between the actual and test samples toward less than 13.43%. The findings also suggest the government that savings of budget and quality of pavement be both improved.