Abstract: | 中文摘要 排程規劃在製造業有舉足輕重的地位,本研究就是站在這角度上進行研究的延伸。 由於排程規劃是指數型成長的複雜性問題,在限制求解時間的條件下,此劃問題可以被 歸類為Np-hard 的問題。因為上述原因,目前在規劃排程的應用上,不是站在求得最佳 解的角度去尋找方向,而是使用啟發式的演算法來解決排程上的研究議題。 目前有許多學者研究如何使用不同地啟發式演算法來解決排程議題,如區域搜 尋、禁忌搜尋和基因演算法等方法。根據近幾年的學術研究趨勢,基因演算法被認定為 一個有效率的解決排程議題的演算法,也由於基因演算法逐漸地被重視下,其所討論的 研究領域與應用類型更為全面。 在啤酒製造工業,作物的發酵過程是整個釀造過程中的關鍵。此過程決定了啤酒的 品質、配方、風味以及生產線上的流程規劃。原料發酵的過程佔據了整個生產流程約41 天的時間,而每一種不同類型的啤酒也有其發酵需求時間和限制,有效地規劃發酵流程 對於啤酒釀造是非常重要的。本研究提出如何使用基因演算法,進行排程規劃求解最適 宜的生產排程方式,期望藉由有效地生產計劃與分析工具,利用機台的排程規劃搭配, 減少生產排程中,可能發生的瓶頸時間以及準備時間。 關鍵字:排程規劃、批量、啤酒工業、兩階段生產法、基因演算法。;Abstract Scheduling is one of the most important problems in any manufacturing industry. Therefore, the problem has been studied extendedly. Since, the scheduling problem is classified as NP-hard problem, which means the time required for finding the optimal solution of the problem is grown exponentially with the size of the problem. Therefore, it is unrealistic to find optimal solution for the scheduling problem in the scene of the real world industrial case, even with today advanced computer system. There are many heuristic algorithms have been proposal to solve the scheduling problem. They are beam search, local search technique, tabular search and Genetic Algorithm (GA), to name a few. In recent years, GA has become a noticeable candidate for solving the scheduling problem effectively. The idea of mimicking the evolutionary process is very interesting to researchers. And the recent advanced in heuristic GA has sparked more attention toward new research and application in the field of GA. In Brewery industry, the fermentation process is the most crucial components of the whole manufacturing process. It will decide the quality, taste of the products as well as the productivity of the production line. Since, the fermentation time can take up to 41 days, and the requirement time is varying a lot between different types of beers, therefore finding a good scheduling solution to dealing with this complexity is crucial for beer manufacturers. This research will propose a GA to solve the scheduling problem in beer production. The proposed methodology will serve as a planning and analysis tool to utilize assets (tanks, filling lines) effectively, reduce congestion and synchronize the production process between the two production stages (liquid preparation and bottling). Keywords: scheduling, lot sizing, brewery industry, two-stage production, GA. |