近年來,擴增實境(AR)及虛擬實境(VR)成為熱門的技術,因此有許多研究在探討擴增實境及虛擬實境技術方面的相關議題,而以往的相關研究,較少提及擴增實境及虛擬實境的發展趨勢,從社群媒體的觀點進行擴增實境及虛擬實境討論的文獻也不常見。然而,近年來社群媒體已成為社會大眾溝通及分享資訊的重要管道,其資訊也直接或間接反映出群眾的看法及社會趨勢。因此,本研究選定Twitter社群媒體平台,選擇以#AR、#Augmented Reality、#VR與#Virtual Reality四個做為關鍵詞彙撈取相關推文,並利用社群媒體探勘之技術分析群眾對於擴增實境及虛擬實境所關注的議題。研究結果顯示,2015到2016年度擴增實境及虛擬實境皆有提到其應用的部分,如:教育領域、遊戲產業、影音動畫等;技術方面討論的方向偏向各家硬體設備與裝置的比較,或是與其他技術如:物聯網及人工智慧結合應用;除此之外,各家線上評論媒體之推文與民眾自製的應用影片或開箱圖文也被廣為轉發。本研究透過歸納及比對結果,總結出的關鍵字說明擴增實境在未來發展上,預期會朝向方便且行動化的應用軟體開發,如教育類型或娛樂型遊戲;在虛擬實境方面,則會偏向輔助型的應用,如:工作輔助或醫療照護,此結果提供企業在未來發展上的策略參考。;Many researches have been discussed the relevant issues of Augmented Reality (AR) and Virtual Reality (VR) due to its popularity in recent years. However, liteatures regarding AR and VR from the perspectives of social media were rarely addressed, even though social media have become an important channel for public to communicate and share information. Therefore, this research chose Twitter to collect the relative tweets containing one of the following keywords: #AR, #Augmented Reality, #VR and #Virtual Reality and to analyze the topic of AR and VR from the perspective of social media. The results demostraated that AR and VR had applied in the field such as education, game and animation from 2015 to 2016. From the perspective of technical skills, it compared the hardware equipment and the devices between each companies, or other skills such as the combination of the IoT and the artificial intelligence. Besides, the tweets of the online media and the unboxing review article also widely forwarded and retweeted. This research concluded that AR would be towarded into the development of the application software such as the educational type and the entertainment type of the game, while the VR would be applied into the auxiliary applications, for instance, work support or medical care. The result of this research could offer the enterprise as a reference for their future developement.