全球化促進了商業與經濟環境的蓬勃發展,企業須投注更多心力與資源在海外市場,台灣亦是如此。外派議題的重要性也越來越高,許多企業制訂了健全的海外派遣與輪調機制,但同時需要關注員工的外派意願,外派任務成功的首要條件為甄選出具備外派意願之員工。 本研究以後設分析研究方法,探討家庭、配偶、組織和當地環境與外派意願之關聯性,以國內(台灣)與國外文獻為研究範圍,蒐集與外派意願相關之研究,透過後設分析方法,探討各個變數之間的相關強度與異質性。研究結果:(1)社會支持對外派意願具有正向相關。(2)家庭責任對外派意願無顯著相關。(3)配偶支持對外派意願具有正向相關。(4)配偶工作對外派意願無顯著相關。(5)配偶工作性質及職業脆弱性對外派意願具有負向相關。(6)組織派外支持措施–訓練支持對外派意願具有正向相關。(7)組織派外支持措施–財務支持對外派意願具有正向相關。(8)組織派外支持措施–回任支持對外派意願具有正向相關。(9)組織派外支持措施–職涯支持對外派意願具有正向相關。(10)派駐國家經濟發展程度與外派意願具有正向相關。(11)派駐國政治風險程度對外派意願具有負向相關。 ;Globalization has promoted the vigorous development of business and economic environment. Enterprises must invest more efforts and resources in overseas market. And so do Taiwanese enterprises. As a result, the importance of the expatriate issue is getting more critical. Many multinational enterprises have set up well-planned expatriate and rotation system. But companies also need to select employees who have the willingness for expatriation. Since the primary condition of the success assignment is to select the employee with expatriation willingness. The study uses meta-analysis to explore the relevance and heterogeneity between expatriate willingness and family, spouse, organization support and local environments factors. The results were as below: (1) Social support had a positive influence on expatriate willingness. (2) Family concerns had no influence on expatriate willingness. (3) Spouse support had a positive influence on expatriate willingness. (4) Spouse employment state had no influence on expatriate willingness. (5) Spouse technical currency, relative career vulnerability had a negative influence on expatriate willingness. (6) Expatriate support - training had a positive influence on expatriate willingness. (7) Expatriate support - compensation had a positive influence on expatriate willingness. (8) Expatriate support - career had a positive influence on expatriate willingness. (9) Expatriate support - repatriate had a positive influence on expatriate willingness. (10) Good social and living conditions of host country had a positive influence on expatriate willingness. (11) Political stability of host country had a negative influence on expatriate willingness.