在面臨未來勞動人口面臨縮減的情況,該如何提昇高齡者的勞動參與、提升中高齡員工的工作動機,並有效管理中高齡員工以維持足夠的勞動力,已成為一項重要的議題。本研究目的在於探討適用中高齡人力資源管理措施是否能影響中高齡員工的工作動機,並以台灣企業員工為對象,分為兩階段發放問卷,最終共有313份有效問卷,有效問卷回收率69.5%。 由於中高齡人力資源管理措施是由組織層進行實施,且每間企業實施情形不同。本研究使用階層線性模式(Hierarchical Linear Modeling, HLM),將適用中高齡人力資源管理措施置於組織層,探討組織實施適用中高齡人力資源管理措施對工作動機的跨層級直接效果,以及探討組織實施適用中高齡的人力資源管理措施,是否能夠於未來時間觀及工作動機之間產生調節效果,進而減緩因未來時間觀下降而對工作動機產生的負面影響。 研究結果顯示,組織實施適用中高齡人力資源管理措施對工作成長動機及持續工作動機具有跨層級直接效果,而組織實施適用中高齡人力資源管理措施的調節效果不成立。組織可以應用本研究結果,作為訂定適用中高齡員工人力資源管理措施的依據,達成留任中高齡員工之效。 ;The purpose of this paper is to examine the relationships between human resource management practices for middle-aged and aged workers and individual work motivation. Using the data set from Taiwan (firm-level samples: 48 firms, employee-level samples: 313). Since the human resource practices are implemented by organizations, the study use hierarchical linear modeling (HLM) to analyses the mediating effect of human resource management practices for middle-aged and aged workers in the relationship between future time perspective and work motivation, and explore the positive effect of human resource management practices for middle-aged and aged workers on work motivation. Results show that human resource management practices for middle-aged and aged workers at plant level are positively and significantly associated with work motivation, and human resource management practices for middle-aged and aged workers can’t mediate the relationship between future time perspective and work motivation at individual level. The organizations can use the theoretical and managerial implications to achieve the effect of retention.