論文名稱: 輕推的力量-行為經濟學於人力資源管理實務之應用 頁數: 33頁 校所名稱: 國立中央大學人力資源管理研究所 畢業時間及摘要別: 一零六學年度第二學期碩士論文摘要 研究生: 趙珮晴 指導教授: 陳明園 博士 論文中文摘要: 本研究透過質性訪談了解企業人資主管對輕推理論於台灣人力資源管理實務應用之想法及企業中的實務案例,訪談期間從2018年3月1號到2018年4月31號,共訪談11位具有10年以上的人力資源主管,產業遍及科技業、金融服務業、製藥業與管理顧問產業,採半結構式訪談法進行每次1小時到2小時不等之訪談。 在訪談後進行分析後發現,目前輕推理論並未在台灣人力資源管理領域中被廣泛應用,此乃受到人力資源管理本身的特性影響,當企業人力資源管理更偏向人事行政時,實務上採菁英決策,由高階經理人與人力管理師發布由上而下的政策,在人資角色上更偏向行政專家與變革夥伴,重視制度,在訪談中發現此情境下,人資工作者不易認同及採行輕推理論;反之,當企業人力資源管理更偏向人員管理,此時更傾向採團體決策,人員管理本身需要員工的高度參與,人資政策更傾向向下蒐集員工的反應,人資角色更偏向變革代理人與員工諮商夥伴,於此情境下,人力資源管理師則會考量在組織中採行輕推理論。 輕推是一個無所不在的理論,即使選擇設計師並未察覺,但在考量員工選項並加以設計即在採用輕推,本研究中藉由訪談中,了解企業於「企業文化」、「招募」、「訓練發展」及「績效管理」的實用案例。 ;Title: The Power of NUDGE- Management Practices of Behavioral Economics in Human Resource Managements. University: National Central University, Institute of Human Resource Managements. Degree: Master Name: Pei-Ching, Chao. Advisor: Dr. Ming-Yuan, Chen Graduated Year: Second semester of 2017 Page counts: 33 pages Abstract This purpose of this study is to identify the management practice of behavioral economics in Human Resource Managements. Base on the cognitive system of thinking, People make decisions by intuition. The nudge theory uses a choice architecture to guide individual behavior. In this situation, People wouldn’t feel they’re force to do it. Small nudge makes a big change. The effects of gentle nudge depend on choice designers’ strategy. The specialists of Human Resource Managements play the key role to balance the differences between of individual value and company culture. If HR aware the bias of cognitive system and use it well, it would guide employee to follow the directions of company. The study got data by qualitative research through semi-structured interviews. The data was analyzed from nudge theory to identify the connections between HR and behavioral economics. The outcome of this study includes various applications of nudge in Human Resource Managements. There’re some elements would affects HR’s attitude toward this issue, including law, financial cost, industry and the relationship between manager and employee. According the result, Nudge theory ,was a new concept in Taiwan, it’s believed that will be a different view which could bring a new mindset for the Human Resource Managements.