一個圖G可以被分解成t個同構的子圖,我們稱G是可t分解的。 具有多重邊的路(path)稱為multipath。 一個樹(tree)只有唯一一個點(vertex) degree $geq$ 3,稱為蜘蛛(spider). 在這篇論文中, 我們探討了可二分解和三分解的multipaths與可t分解的蜘蛛。 A graph G is t-decomposable if and only if G can be decomposed into t isomorphic subgraphs. A multipath is a path with multiple edges allowed. A spider is a tree which has a unique vertex with degree ≥ 3. In this thesis, we investigate 2-decomposable and 3-decomposable multipaths and t-decomposable spiders.