摘要: | 本研究主要同時從內在與外在的角度探討在組織內部以環境變革型領導與員工本身對環境價值認知之下,透過和諧熱情與個人規範,企業是否能帶領員工為地球減碳,減緩氣候變遷盡己之力。本研究發現在公司裡,領導者採環境變革型領導會激起員工和諧熱情而進行少肉減碳的活動。另外員工對環境價值的看法會衍生出人們因擔心地球環境惡化而產生警覺心,且認為自己對環境保護有責任,而規範自己要有環保的意識,進而自願在工作中採取少肉以實踐保護地球的責任。;This study discusses, from extrinsic and intrinsic perspectives, against the backdrop of environmental specific transformational leadership as well as employees’ perceptions of environmental values within organizations, whether enterprises can inspire employees through harmonious passion and personal norms to contribute their efforts for achieving de-carbonization and amelioration of climate change for the betterment of the planet. This study finds that leaders adopting environment-based transformational leadership will spur harmonious passion among employees who shall engage in a less meat-based diet as a de-carbonization activity. In addition, employees’ perceptions of environmental values will engender a vigilant attitude for fear of global environment deterioration and the awareness of responsibility for protecting the environment, thus they recognize environmental protection as part of their personal norms and voluntarily shoulder the responsibility of protecting Earth by adopting a less meat-based diet at the workplace. |