過往企業需要 IT資源時,都要透過對外採購軟硬體設施以及尋求應用服務供應商 (ASP)的協助,然而企業導入前的評估到實際導入資訊系統所耗費的時間與金錢相當龐大。 而 雲端運算的興起後,其按需求彈性調整的特性,有助於企業根據自身需求調整資源的使用能力,雲端服務供應商 提供的 使用者付費的收費方式,讓企業可以隨時 隨地調整其 欲使用的算力、時間、儲存空間, 也讓企業過往需支付前期大量的 資本支出 ,在採用雲端服務後 轉變為營運支出,企業資金的使用更加靈活。然而,將企業的機敏資訊存放在雲端上的安全疑慮,以及系統的可靠程度,始終是企業採用雲端的障礙。 企業的決策者對於雲端運算所帶來的利益與風險仍未有全面性的認識。故本研究將藉由探討決策者對於企業採用雲端服務的主觀感受,探討何種情境下,決策者會受到內外部因子的影響,並透過感知這些因子,影響決策者採用雲端服務的意圖。 本研究採用線上問卷發放予台灣企業中高階主管,並採用結構方程模型驗證,探討影響雲端採用因子的相關性,以及 這些採用因子如何影響決策者,進而產生雲端採用意圖的過程。;Enterprises either used to purchase soft and hardware devices or ask ASP for help when they needed IT resources. However, it takes too much and costs too much to engaged an enterprise information system. Due to the rising of Cloud Computing, enterprises can make adjustments according to their needs and make it easily to arrange the resources. The suppliers of Cloud Service provide user charge. Customers can arrange their use of computing power, time, storage and so on anytime. This also improve the problem of large expenditure during preceding procedure, saving more money for other uses. Nevertheless, the doubt on putting confidential information on cloud and the reliability of the systems are still the two main obstacles when they deciding whether or not adopting cloud systems. Decision makers in enterprises still don’t have a comprehensive understanding of the pros and cons of cloud systems. Therefore, the purpose of this research was to identify the subjective perceive of decision makers and to probe how factors influence their intension toward using cloud service. In this study, we distributed online questionnaires to Middle and high level supervisor, and adopt SEM model to prove it. The purpose of this study to understand the correlations between different factors of affecting using the cloud, and how these factors influence decision makers to adopt the cloud.