自2012年客家文化重點發展區進入原住民行政區,兩種政策競合地區逐漸延伸出許多問題,不同族群間如何和平共處以及政府推動政策之方向,皆是重要之議題。新竹縣關西鎮為客家與原住民複合行政區,其客家族群與原住民族群人數相差懸殊,政策制定與推動對其族群關係影響甚鉅。 本研究旨在探討政府的作為是否會影響新竹縣關西鎮客家與原住民之族群關係。利用文獻探討法,並輔以深度訪談法,訪談新竹縣關西鎮公職人員、教職人員、民間社團及客家與原住民通婚家庭,藉以瞭解與剖析政府的政策與作為對當地族群身分選擇、族群關係與族群邊界,以及地方通行語對母語傳承是否會產生衝擊與影響。 本研究結果發現:一、當同時具有客家及原住民身分時,政策會影響族群身分的選擇;二、缺乏母語使用環境,是母語失傳的主因;三、對於新的政策,多數民眾無法理解與掌握;四、原住民行政區對非原住民發展有一定之限制;五、活動有助於族群意識的提升,然而經費申請條件嚴苛導致辦理活動的意願降低。最後針對本研究,提出以下建議:一、語言的傳承應回歸家庭及幼兒教育;二、應加強傳統技藝的培訓;三、族群事務機關人員應由具該族群身分者出任;四、活動申請限制應放寬,多給在地團體機會。;Since 2012, the idea of promoting Hakka culture in the Indigenous district has been implemented. The policy for Hakka and Indigenous people culture have brought many issues, like ethnic identity or conflict in administration. The study employs the method of the depth interviews. The study interviews the public servants, school staff, multi-culture family and non-governmental organizations (NGO). The study shows that: 1. The applied policy significantly influence the selecting tendency of residents on their legal status, which is divided into Hakka and Indigenous. 2.The distinction of usage on mother language is usually correlated to the decline of language surrounding. 3.For most residents, it is difficult to completely understand the contents and intention of presented policy. 4.The implementation about regions of Indigenous has restricted the development of non- Indigenous residents. 5.Also, the willingness of holding local activity is reduced with the current strict condition for financial requirement. Several suggestions are discussed in this study. First the inheritance of mother language should be attributed to family and preschool education, then the significance of training in traditional arts should also be emphasized. Both reducing limitation of applications and offering much more opportunity to local organizations are considered proper methods.