本研究探討馬格里布法語文學第一代作家在自傳性小說中對原生族群文化的呈現,並藉此檢視此文學社群在書寫層次上的相互呼應,而這層關係是造就一片有別於法國文學之新文學地景的關鍵。主要分析文本包括:突尼西亞尤大作家梅米的《鹽柱》(La Statue de sel, 1966)、摩洛哥阿拉伯作家沙伊比的《簡單過去式》(Le Passé simple, 1954)、阿爾及利亞西班牙裔作家賽納克的《草擬父親》(Ebauche du père, 成書於1962)以及阿爾及利亞柏柏爾作家陶絲.安路許的《手鼓路》(Rue des tambourins, 1960)。 ;This study aims to examine how writers from different horizons of the Francophone literature of the Maghreb in its emerging phase (around the 1950s and the 1960s) represent the familial, ethical, cultural and social reality where they come from in their autobiographical novels. Texts such as Albert Memmi's La Statue de sel, Driss Chraïbi's Le Passé simple, Jean Sénac's Ebauche du père and Marguerite Taos Amrouche's Rue des tambourins will be examined and compared through a thematic approach. The intertextual dynamic within this corpus, which contributes to the emergence of this particular Francophone literature independent from French literature will be also investigated.