根據行政院主計處統計得知年輕人赴海外就業比例高,且多為大專學歷以上,勞動部調查顯示畢業生首次尋找職業時,大部分人考慮以薪資及福利,不過除了薪資水準外,年輕人認為國內經濟不佳,也提升想去海外就業意願;青年赴海外就業與創業中不願意海外就業原因占比高為照顧父母或小孩的家庭因素也影響青年海外就業意願。 故本研究認為選擇海外就業不論長期還是短期,對於個人的生涯規劃屬於轉捩點,因為重大的抉擇所以需要慎重考慮,以個人因素變項含國際經驗、文化智商、人格特質;家庭因素變項含家庭社會經濟地位、家庭支持;社會因素變項含環境影響力、就業環境要求,以求更多方面考慮海外就業因素。 本研究以問卷發放的方式對台灣應屆畢業生做調查,有效206份問卷,研究結果發現:(一)應屆畢業生的調整文化性差異、人際技巧、解決衝突能力、樂觀進取的人格特質越顯著,對海外就業意願就越高。(二)應屆畢業生的動機性及行為性文化智商越顯著,對海外就業意願就越高。(三)應屆畢業生的社會經濟地位越高,對海外就業意願就越高。(四)應屆畢業生對台灣就業前景的預期越樂觀,選擇海外就業意願越低。(五)應屆畢業生對海外環境要求越多,選擇海外就業越低。 ;The trend of the development of Taiwanese toward overseas is increasing and many younger generations in Taiwan have also seen the domestic economic downturn, and the population going overseas to work has also become younger. What kind of factors will affect the Taiwanese graduates’ willingness to work overseas for employment is the main purpose of this paper. This study explores the willingness of graduates to work overseas through personal factors (cultural intelligence, international experience, personality traits), family factors (Socio-economic status, family support) and environmental factors (environmental impact, employment environment requirements). In this study, a questionnaire survey was conducted to investigate the graduates in Taiwan. 206 questionnaires were collected. The results of the study found that: (1) The more significant the personality traits of graduates′ adjustment of cultural differences, interpersonal skills, conflict resolution skills, and optimism and progress, the higher the willingness to work overseas. (2) The more significant the motivational and behavioral cultural intelligence of graduates, the higher their willingness to work overseas.( 3) The higher the socio-economic status of graduates, the higher their willingness to work overseas. (4) The more optimistic graduates are about Taiwan′s employment prospects, the lower the willingness to choose overseas.(5) The more graduates require from the overseas environment, the lower the choice for overseas employment.