接班人計劃是近年台灣非常關注的人力資源議題,早期的接班人培訓僅僅限於負責人,家族企業傳承第二代、第三代的接班議題,或是最高主管邁入退休年齡的階段,但卻忽略接班人是可以採階梯式培養,不止是最高領導主管,亦可由中階主管循序漸進培養為高階主管;而在飯店業市場不斷競爭的環境,往往習慣利用跳槽來當作自已升遷的一個跳板,此問題顯然已成為很多飯店業共同面臨的困境,現在可能更需要將接班職務層級調整至中、高階主管才能因應人才缺乏危機,而如何規劃一個完善的接班人計劃對於企業的永續經營是非常重要,且關鍵的。 因此,本研究係透過深度訪談,以探究瞭解個案公司接班人計劃推動之模式與實施方式,並歸納出飯店業接班人計劃其成敗關鍵中是否有共同之處。以及瞭解不同組織特性的企業在接班人計劃進行方式是否有不同,並了解其實施成效,以供飯店業界發展接班人計劃之參酌。 ;ABSTRACT In recent years, the topic of successor planning has become an important human resource issue. Previously, successor training was limited to the topic of the person in charge, the second generation successor in the family business, and the third generation. Otherwise, the issue dealt with senior-level managerial staff who are nearing their retirement phase but have neglected the fact that successors can be developed in phases so that instead of high-level managers, mid-level managers can be gradually developed into high-level managers; the highly competitive environment of the hotel industry means that workers often change companies as a means to promotion. This problem is faced by many peers in the hotel industry and the level of job roles must be adjusted to mid and high-level managers in order to address the talent crisis. The planning of a comprehensive successor plan is very important and critical to the sustainable operations of a corporation. Therefore, this study utilizes in-depth interviews to explore the models and implementation of successor plans in the companies of this case study to determine whether there are similarities in the keys to success or failure of successor plans in hotels. The study aims to understand whether organizations of different characteristics conduct successor plans differently and whether their implementations are effective; the results of the study will act as a reference for developing successor plans in the hotel industry. Keywords: Successor plan, Successor selection, Personality traits of successors, Hotel industry.