摘要: | 國際化、全球化等概念早已深植人們的腦海。企業為了拓展市場或者尋求更低生產成本等因素,便會產生員工海外派遣之需求。然而,外派人員前往派駐國後則會立即面臨到當地的文化衝擊,影響外派人員之適應情形,進而影響外派之成功與否。因此,探討影響外派人員適應之相關非個人因素,企業即能夠隨之作出外派政策之調整,以期更高的外派人員適應程度及導向外派任務的成功執行。
(三)家庭支持與工作適應;訓練支持與工作適應、互動適應;工作角色特性-新奇性與工作適應、互動適應;工作角色特性-模糊性與外派適應皆無顯著相關。 ;Internationalization and globalization have been well-known concepts these years. To expand overseas markets or to lower the production costs, it is necessary for international enterprises to send expatriates to host countries. However, expatriates would face culture shock after arrivals, that could influence expatriates’ adjustment and even the success or failure of expatriate assignments. Therefore, this study hopes to give valuable advices to international enterprises through doing the research about factors that could influence expatriate adjustment, these factors includes spouse, social support, organizational support, organizational commitment, job characteristics, interpersonal interaction and host country factor.
The study used meta-analysis to explore the correlations between these factors and expatriate adjustment on the basis of Bhaskar-Shrinivas, Harrison and Luk (2005)’s research, and the results were as below:
(1)Spouse adjustment and expatriate adjustment, general adjustment, work adjustment, interaction adjustment; family support and expatriate adjustment, general adjustment, interaction adjustment; training support and expatriate adjustment; organizational commitment and expatriate adjustment, general adjustment, work adjustment, interaction adjustment; job role discretion and general adjustment, work adjustment, interaction adjustment; workplace friendship and general adjustment, work adjustment, interaction adjustment were positive correlations.
(2)Training support and general adjustment; job role novelty and general adjustment; job role ambiguity and general adjustment, work adjustment, interaction adjustment; job role conflict and general adjustment, work adjustment, interaction adjustment; culture novelty and expatriate adjustment, general adjustment, work adjustment, interaction adjustment were negative correlations.
(3)Family support and work adjustment; training support and work adjustment, interaction adjustment; job role novelty and work adjustment, interaction adjustment; job role ambiguity and expatriate adjustment had no influences between each other. |