Abstract: | 中文摘要
以藥物和外科手術為主要的臨床醫療經常引起副作用及後遺症。在這樣的背景下,另類療法開始被探討運用的可行性並嘗試降低病人的不適感及療效。身心干預(Mind–body interventions (MBIs))是指所有可以在心理潛意識的思考(放鬆及降低壓力)及運用技巧來建立身體機能之間的關係(利用氣、緩慢運動及呼吸)。MBIs可以從冥想開始讓精神放鬆、從特定的呼吸技巧讓肌肉鬆弛、在經過特定動作技巧引導氣的運行。MBIs的種類相當廣泛,包括太極拳、瑜珈及氣功等。先前研究發現MBIs跟免疫系統、內分泌及神經系統調控有關。但精確的機制還不清楚。 雖然MBIs(例如太極拳和瑜伽)在精神,身體健康和臨床的運用具有顯著益處,但是MBIs的推廣受到多種條件的限制。例如MBIs練習的時間受到嚴格的限制,學習難度高,練習場所的要求,以及長期不間斷的練習才能獲得有效的成果。為了更進一步推廣MBIs給社會大眾,本研究參考太極拳、瑜珈及氣功的原理設計一組學習簡單、練習時間短且具有增進健康效果的運動。此運動稱為大易拳(Day easy exercise, DEE)。MBIs的實踐者認為太極拳及氣功可以長壽及養顏美容。 最新的研究顯示太極拳可以透過減少交感神經系統(SNS)活動並增加周邊血液的CD34+細胞數量。CD34+是造血幹細胞的標記。造血幹細胞在骨髓及血液中遊走並會隨者年紀增長而減少數量。因此造血幹細胞數量與衰老有相關性。背痛是現代人常見的問題,尤其是勞力工作者,女性及長時間坐姿不良。背痛無法改善的話會嚴重影響生活品質。關節的活動程度差容易造成骨骼肌肉疼痛。然而骨骼肌肉疼痛是形成背痛的主要原因。骨骼肌肉疼痛的患者常有發炎因子過度表現及免疫系統失衡的現象。研究顯示細胞激素Tumor Necrosis Factor-α (TNF-α),Interleukin-6 (IL-6)或C reactive protein (CRP)等高度表現會誘導骨骼肌肉疼痛的惡化。但是輔助T細胞(helper T cell)及IL-2高度表現可以降低骨骼肌肉疼痛。 本研究計畫測試DEE練習對於身體健康的功效。我們計畫測試: 1. DEE實踐3個月後對於周邊血液的CD34+細胞數量的影響。2. DEE實踐3個月後對於背痛的影響。經過篩選後分別有22位DEE練習組的參與者及22位控制組的參與者。在測試CD34+細胞數量的實驗中,以30歲為基準將DEE練習組及控制組分別分成年輕及中年組別。我們的結果顯示不管是年輕或中年組別,DEE實踐都可以增加CD34+細胞數量。在測試DEE實踐改善背痛的實驗中,22位DEE練習組的參與者呈現IL-2及輔助T細胞增加的情況。此外生活品質、關節活動及骨骼肌肉疼痛都獲得改善。 我們的結果顯示DEE對於延遲衰老及改善背痛或生活品質具有良好效果。我們未來計畫更進一步測試DEE對於臨床醫療的效果。DEE與其他MBIs相比具有容易學習、運動時間短、良好功效及需要小型場地。因此DEE適合推廣於現今社會。
The side effects and sequelae caused by drugs and surgical procedures often bring great pain to patients. Psychosomatic intervention (MBI) refers to all mental and subconscious thoughts (relaxation and stress reduction), as well as the use of technology to establish the relationship between bodily functions (qi, slow movement and breathing). The types of MBI are very wide, including Tai Chi, Yoga and Qigong. Previous studies have found that MBI is related to immune system, endocrine and nervous system regulation. But the exact mechanism is unclear. Although MBI (such as Tai Chi and Yoga) has significant benefits for mental, physical health and clinical use, the promotion of MBI is restricted by many conditions. For example, MBI′s practice time is strictly limited, the learning difficulty is high, the requirements for the practice place are high, and long-term uninterrupted practice can obtain effective results. In order to further promote MBI to the public, this study refers to the principles of Tai Chi, Yoga and Qigong, and designed a set of simple and easy-to-learn exercises. This sport is called simple exercise (DEE). The latest research shows that Tai Chi can increase the number of CD34 + cells in the surrounding blood. CD34+ is a marker of hematopoietic stem cells and decreases with age. Therefore, the number of hematopoietic stem cells is related to aging. Back pain is a common problem among modern people, especially workers, women and long-term bad postures. Poor joint movement can easily cause musculoskeletal pain. However, musculoskeletal pain is the main cause of back pain. Patients suffering from musculoskeletal pain usually have symptoms of over-expressed inflammatory factors and immune system imbalance. Studies have shown that C-reactive protein (CRP) can cause worsening of musculoskeletal pain. However, high levels of helper T cells and IL-2 can reduce musculoskeletal pain. The research project aims to test the effects of DEE exercise on physical health. We plan to test: 1. After 3 months of practice, the effect of DEE on the number of CD34+ cells in peripheral blood. 2. After 3 months of practice, the effect of DEE on back pain. After screening, there were 22 participants in the DEE practice group and 22 participants in the control group. In the experiment to test the number of CD34+ cells, the DEE training group and the control group were divided into young and middle-aged groups based on the age of 30. Our results show that DEE exercise can increase the number of CD34+ cells, regardless of whether it is young or middle-aged. In an experiment that tested DEE exercises to improve back pain, 22 participants in the DEE exercise group showed increased IL-2 and helper T cells. In addition, quality of life, joint mobility and skeletal muscle pain are improved. Our results showed that DEE has a good effect on delaying aging and improving back pain or quality of life. We plan to further test the impact of DEE on clinical medicine in the future. Compared with other MBIs, DEE has the advantages of being easy to learn, short exercise time, good curative effect and requiring a smaller space. Therefore, DEE is suitable for promotion in today′s society. |