在競爭日益激烈的商業環境中,企業常將委外視為一種戰略工具,傳統軟體開發委外的知識移轉大多僅限於包裝後的產品知識,夥伴式合作解決了傳統合作方式在專案驗收交付最終成果後,客戶因缺乏上述開發知識而無後續維運能力的缺憾。因此,本研究探討如何形成產品識的知識,並運用敏捷開發來讓委外開發廠商與需求客戶端進行有效的知識移轉,使整個開發過程更加有效率,透過具有合作夥伴關係的軟體開發委外個案分析,探討敏捷導向軟體開發團隊間影響知識移轉的要素,以及如何建立一個針對軟體開發委外合作夥伴關係下的知識移轉歷程模式,提供企業面臨高度隱性知識移轉過程中常遭遇阻礙的解決方式參考。;As in the competitive market, companies usually consider the outsourcing as a business strategy. Software outsourcing was typically focusing on the technical transferred as a product knowledge package. While customer will be end of incapability to do further development by themselves. In this research, it will discuss how to generate the product knowledge and apply agile software development to transfer it. The software development process between suppliers and clients will be more efficiency with this methodology. The research will analysis software outsourcing development with partnership as the case study to discuss and show the significant factors approaching to agile-oriented development. By the model of knowledge transferring process in this research, it will solve the known issues in tacit knowledge transferring and also keep the transferring process in highly confidentiality.