星展集團公布最新「企業數位化準備程度調查」(DBS Digital Readiness Survey),結果顯示,亞太區有7成中大型企業已制訂數位轉型策略,較前一年的57%明顯增加,其中台灣95%位居領先位置,新加坡、中國和香港居次。台灣雖然中大型企業數位轉型居亞太之冠,但中小企業卻仍有進步空間。因為,在數位發展方面僅位列第4,數位化程度38%。 在這個數位化競爭激烈的時代科技技術也一直推陳出新,企業也為因應數位轉型推動新型的商業模式、調整組織內部分工,員工作為數位轉型的關鍵推手,企業應對培訓流程加以強化,輔助員工讓員工學會透過數位工具改變過往的工作模式,以更有效率的方式執行工作流程。但是不斷變的市場加上不斷新的技術也讓員工的科技壓力和科技不安全感日漸增強,因此本研究希望透過研究員工的科技壓力、AI使用意圖以及AI使用行為,預測員工實際的使用狀況,希望透過本研究減輕員工職場上的科技壓力。 ;The latest DBS Digital Readiness Survey shows there are 70 percent large enterprise already finish their digital transformation strategy and it went up by 57 percent than last year (2020). Especially Taiwan has 95 percent to being the leading position in the Asia-Pacific, and the next is Singapore, China and Hong Kong. Despite Taiwan’s large enterprise is now on the leading position, the survey shows the small and medium enterprise was came in fourth place, the digitalization has only 38 percent there′s still room for improvement. Nowadays the cutthroat competition is between digitalization , also the technologies are being innovation and flourish , enterprises cope with promote the new businese model , adjust organizational internal division for this trend. Employees are the important key to facilitate digital transformation , enterprises absolutely strengthen training process for assist employees change their regular pattern through digital technologies, expecting they enforce job procedure in a effective way in the future. The fast-paced dynamic environment and technology increase technostress and techno-insecurity people in the organizational are stressed out by their job. The research is dedicate in how technostress, intention to use, use behavior and techno-insecurity affect employee’s usage intention and behavior, and find out how to alleviate technostress in workplace.