所謂「靠山吃山,靠海吃海」,由於地理環境的限制,居住於新屋沿海的客家人必須過著半農半漁的生活,在農閒時期要前往海邊從事漁業活動,以「農業為主,漁業為輔」的方式來維持生計,打破一般人認知「閩海客陸」印象的沿海客家族群。 而新屋沿海地區是個閩客混居的區域,族群的互動導致語言的接觸十分頻繁。透過田野調查發現此區的客家話擁有豐富的漁業相關詞彙,且有很大一部份是借用自閩南語。這些漁業詞彙的存在不同於其他的客家地區,是非沿海客家地區少有,並且在過去也還沒有單獨被拿來做討論的,非常值得對其詞彙特色進行深入的探討。 客家人為了在沿海地區安身立命必須懂得「生態適應」及「因地制宜」,學會生存技能是很正常的事情,也因此會衍生出這些技能相關的詞彙,但能夠很精確地去稱呼及分辨魚種,就不是為生存而必須要學會的事情。透過研究發現新屋沿海地區的客籍漁民確實在海洋生物的分類上比非濱海客家人細的多,會有如此的現象其實都是為了呼應市場性的需求。;Due to geographical constraints, the Hakka people dwelling in the coastal area of Xinwu have to live a semi-agricultural and semi-fishing life. They go to the seaside to engage in fishing activities during slack season which breaks the common perception. The coastal area of Xinwu has both Southern Min people and Hakka people residents.The interaction between two populations has led to frequent language contact.Field research revealed that the Taiwan Hakka language in this area is abundant in fishery-related vocabulary. A huge part of those fishery-related vocabulary are highly related to the Taiwan Southern Min language. The existence of fishery-related vocabularies in Taiwan Hakka language is different from other Hakka areas.It has not been discussed isolated in the past. Hence exploring its lexical features is meaningful. Hakka people must know how to “adapt to the ecology” and “adapt to the local conditions” to survive in the coastal areas. Hence it is normal to learn relative vocabularies while surviving. However, being able to distinguish and name fish species is not necessary in order to survive.Through research, It is found that Hakka fishermen in the coastal area of Xinwu have a much more detailed classification of marine life than Hakka people who do not live on the coastline, which is in response to market demand.