本論文以先找出熱門題材再加以分析其營運狀況選出個股後,再搭配成交量指標、均線和KD、RSI指標值判斷買賣時機。本論文所選之生技個股搭上疫情行情非常適合做短線操作。因此用MA5和MA10的短期均線,進出法則為個股中短天期MA5率先向上穿越MA10時,結合KD指標,若K值>D值則買入;相反的,短天期MA5向下穿越MA10時,且K值<D值則賣出,因短期均線對股價變動非常敏感,會立即反應股票的走勢,用此簡單波段操作方式,嘗試提升獲利率。研究期間於2021年1月1日到2022年1月31日共13個月,進行實務操作及實證分析。研究結果顯示,研究組投資報酬率優於對照組,亦優於櫃生技類股指數及台股加權股價指數同期間進出之年化投資報酬率。;This study examines the way to develop an appropriate trading strategy for improving investment performance. Two listed firms in biotechnology industry are selected as a sample according to fundamental analysis, and the timing to buy and sell stocks is determined based on chip analyses as well as MA, KD and RSI technical analysis indicators. The findings show that the research group performs better than the control group in rate of return. Finally, Our research group also performs better than the Biotechnology Index and the TWEC Weighted Index during the same period.