Instagram 是現今時下年輕人一種流行的社交網路應用程式,透過它可以發 布與分享照片和應用不同的照片濾鏡來調整圖片的外觀。調整過後的照片蛻化 成一幅帶有個人特色的作品,用戶可以自行創建想要表達給觀眾的感覺。 本研究旨在透過對用戶的照片色調分析來推斷用戶的性格特徵。為了照片 色調與人格特質之間的關係,進行了問卷調查,要求受試者填寫人格特質問 卷,並通過授權本研究取得受試者的 Instagram 照片,採用照片色調作為 SVM 分類器及卷積神經網路模型之輸入,最後得出人格特質分類結果。 ;Instagram today is a popular social networking application, which allows sharing photos and applying different photo filters to adjust the appearance of a picture. By applying these filters, the photo became a unique piece. users are able to create a style that they want to express to their audience. This study tried to infer personality traits from the way the user′s pictures tone. the studied the relationship between picture tone and personality traits. And collect data, using online survey where asked participants to fill in a BFI-44 personality questionnaire, and grant access to their Instagram account and download.