近三年來,全球因中美貿易戰和新冠肺炎疫情的大流行而重擊經濟體系。對於製造廠來說通過對資訊流,物流,金流的控制,從採購原材料開始,製成中間產品以及最終產品組裝,最後經由銷售通路把產品送到消費者手中,如何降低成本,提高效益,增加利潤,一直以來都是重要的管理課題。因疫情關係,全球物流的問題導致所面臨的經營環境更加艱鉅。因此如何利用資訊技術即時收集和分析資料,已經成為解決面臨動盪環境問題的手段之一。 本研究對象個案Z五金公司是國內金屬產業(鋅合金壓鑄)、表面處理產業,主營門鎖類零配件製造、金屬表面處理服務,該公司ERP目前在委外加工和供應商管理因不夠完善,導致資訊不對稱,和作業效率低下。經初步研究分析後,發現有些供應商資料管理過程仍仰賴人工作業,因此與Z公司系統資訊傳輸也是人工處理。 在深入評估後,本研究提出了一項流程改善,在基於電腦的供應商管理系統流程上改善。預期可以減少作業時間、錯誤和其他與供應商管理相關的問題;In the past three years, global economy has been hit hard by the Sino-US trade war and the covid-19 pandemic. For manufacturers, how to reduce costs, improve benefits and increase profits has always been an important management topic. These may be achieved through the control of information flow, logistics and cash flow on one or many of the following linkage: purchasing raw materials, make intermediate products, and final product assembly, finished goods logistics and final sales network. The global logistics problems induced by the pandemic have make the business environment more difficult. Effective use of information technology to collect and analyze real-time data has become a means to tackle the problems facing the volatile environment. The target of this study, Company Z, is a domestic hardware company, handling metal (zinc alloy die casting) production and surface treatment. Its major market is in the door-lock industry. The ERP system in the company is lacking in the area of outsourcing and supplier management, resulting in inconsistent data and ineffective operations. Much of the suppliers are still relying on manual operations, and therefore intercompany communications are also manual. Based on an in depth review, this study proposes a process change, in such a way that its computer-based supplier management system can be implemented. It is expected that operations time, errors, and miscellaneous related supplier management problems can be reduced.