21世紀核心能力與十二年國民基本教育中,皆都強調「溝通與團隊合作」、「問題解決能力」、「思考能力」、「創新能力」及「自主學習」是未來人才培養的重要指標,因此許多學者建議以跨域專題學習或專題導向學習作為學習活動以培養上述的核心能力。本研究則試圖討論並改善在專題學習中的問題與困境,讓學習者在專題中的學習能更加地有效。而在探討過去的文獻後,發現在專題學習的過程中,想法、思考、思考歷程及協作是十分重要且是具有許多困境的,因此本研究認為整合「專題導向學習」、「知識翻新理論」、「思考歷程與思考歷程導引」三個概念與理論得以解決過往在專題學習中的困境,並使學習者能更有效的學習。因此本研究基於上述三個概念與理念並透過多維度學習系統設計法設計與開發「多維度跨域專題學習平台」,以提供教學者與學習者一個更好的線上專題學習環境,並待上述之系統平台完成後,即採用「問卷調查法」針對36位正在就讀大學或近一年內從大學畢業之學習者進行問卷資料蒐集,以評估學習者對於「多維度跨域專題學習平台」系統之「科技接受度」及「系統提供之鷹架功能與輔助工具的知覺有用性」,並蒐集學習者之建議與回饋。最後將研究資料進行統計與分析後獲得其結果,並發現受測之學生對於「多維度跨域專題學習平台」之所有施測向度皆給予正向回饋,因此也期許本研究能為作為未來研究或系統開發與研究之參考。;This research aimed to solve the difficulties and the problems in project-based learning to improve the learning effectiveness. Through the literature review in this research, we found ideas, thinking, thinking process, and the collaboration in a project are not only the key points for project-based learning but also the difficulties needed to be solved. Hence, in this research’s viewpoint, integrating these three concepts, project-based learning, knowledge building, and thinking routines, is the solution for solving the difficulties we mentioned above. Therefore, this research adopted multidimensional e-learning system and platform design method to design and develop an e-learning platform, DLAP, which was based on the three concepts above. DLAP supports interdisciplinary project-based learning and provides teachers and learners a better e-learning environment. After DLAP was developed, a preliminary study was conducted by a questionnaire survey to evaluate the technology acceptance of DLAP and the perceived usefulness of learning scaffolds and tools on DLAP. The participants of the study were 36 undergraduate and graduate students in Taiwan. The results show that most of participants give positive feedback in the survey. Hence, we hope this research can be a reference for future researches.