單位不適成本的設定對於規畫結果的影響程度取決不同電器種類之特性,時間可控型在規劃上與其設備之額定容量更為直接相關,且由於多數居家用電設備額定容量皆小於一瓩,相比於用電量可控型的規劃,時間可控型對於數值較小的單位不適成本設定會形成較明顯的結果變異。不適程度和實體開銷兩者間之取捨透過適切的不適成本作為權衡,排程結果相比於原先用電情況節省26.3%的支出且對於電網的依賴減少17.6%,最終更能進一步達成全年超過一公噸之溫室氣體排放減量。雖排程結果使電力需求傾向集中規劃於離峰時段並進而推升電網之用電峰均比(peak-to-average ratio),惟家庭用戶用電減量的成果及對於環境永續發展的貢獻仍使整體電力市場得以獲得緩解,與此同時,在兼顧生活舒適性之下亦能同時享受經濟及環境層面所帶來的助益。 ;Power generation has substantially contributed more than 57% of the yearly greenhouse gases (GHGs) emissions of Taiwan in 2020. On top of that, the vulnerable energy security also leads households to the topic of energy transition. Residential photovoltaic systems as one of renewable energy is considered in this study for these issues and has been verified to be beneficial. Power scheduling is expected to lower the payment on electricity bill in line with demand response (DR) programs. DR programs provide benefits as motivation to fulfill a better power usage regarding management on grid and environment. The scheduling problem under time-of-use scheme in this study classifies household appliances into three types: non-schedulable, time-schedulable, and power-schedulable. Households would adjust their daily power consumption either on usage time or power loads on the certain appliance. While changing from initial habit, the discomfort costs would be considered regarding the extent of variation. Through mixed-integer linear programming, a clear arrangement is provided.
The variation characteristics regarding unit discomfort costs varies on different types of appliances. Scheduling on time-schedulable loads is much relevant to the rated power. As general household appliances are less than 1 kW on rated power, time-schedulable appliances are much sensitive to relative smaller unit discomfort costs than power-schedulable ones. With trade-off between discomfort level and payment, the scenario of medium discomfort costs contributes to 26.3% costs saving while mitigating more than 1 ton of GHGs emissions annually as cutting 17.6% power demand from grid. Though a high peak-to-average ratio is displayed as with even intensive usage on off-peak period, taking the overall power market into consideration, the effort of power scheduling would still lead society live comfortably on both economic and environmental perspectives.