本論文首先探討獨占廠商模型,當廠商重視ECSR時,產量減少,導致利潤減少。接著,我們分析在雙占市場模型中的廠商進行數量競爭,假設其他條件都不變之下,重視企業社會責任的廠商,產量、利潤一定會減少,但我們發現當兩廠商對環境的關心程度同時提高,減產的同時,利潤反而有可能增加,類似勾結的結果。除此之外,本論文在模型中加入猜測變量,當廠商減產時,猜測對手廠商也會減產,則廠商越重視環境損害時,利潤增加的可能性較低;反之,當廠商減產時,猜測對手廠商會增產,則廠商越重視環境損害時,利潤增加的可能性就越高。接著是,設定廠商從只關心自身生產時所造成的環境損害,轉變為關心整體社會的總環境損害時,當廠商減產時,同樣猜測對手廠商也會減產,則越重視環境損害時,利潤增加的可能性較低,還會低於當廠商只關心自身生產時;反之,當廠商減產時,猜測對手廠商會增產,則廠商越重視環境損害時,利潤增加的可能性越高,且會高於當廠商只關心自身生產時。 ;This research investigates the impact of Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) practices on firms′ behavior and their competitors in terms of production output, market prices, and profits. The study employs models for both monopolistic and duopolistic market structures. For monopolistic firms emphasizing CSR, a reduction in production results in decreased profits. In duopoly markets, firms prioritizing CSR experience reductions in production and profits. However, when both firms intensify their environmental concern, a joint reduction in production may lead to increased profits, resembling collusion outcomes.
The study introduces speculative variables, suggesting that competitor reactions influence the likelihood of profit increase for environmentally conscious firms. Additionally, the research explores the transition from firms caring solely about their own environmental impact to considering the overall societal impact. The findings reveal that the likelihood of profit increase when prioritizing environmental concerns is influenced by competitor reactions.
In conclusion, this research offers insights into the nuanced effects of CSR on firms′ strategies and considers the dynamic interactions in different market scenarios. Understanding how firms, while emphasizing social responsibility, navigate market competition and profit dynamics is crucial for informing sustainable business practices.