本研究旨在探索組織政治與情緒要求、工作鑲嵌的關係,以及情緒要求與工作鑲嵌分別對於當責及組織公民行為的依變關係。本研究以電子問卷進行資料蒐集,共回收258份有效問卷,並進行後續的資料整理與分析。 研究結果顯示:(1)組織政治與情緒要求呈正向關係;(2)組織政治與工作鑲嵌呈負向關係;(3)情緒要求與當責呈正向關係;(4)情緒要求與組織公民行為呈負向關係;(5)工作鑲嵌與當責呈正向關係;(6)工作鑲嵌與組織公民行為呈正向關係。本研究根據上述研究結果,提出管理意涵與未來研究之建議。;This study aims to explore the relationships among employee perception of organizational politics, emotional demands, job embeddedness, felt accountability, and organizational citizenship behavior. Data were collected through the distribution of online questionnaire to full-time employees who have been employed for more than six months. A total of 284 responses was received; 258 copies among them were deemed valid and thus adopted for further analysis. The research results indicate that: (1) employee perception of organizational politics is positively related to emotional demands and negatively related to job embeddedness; (2) emotional demands are positively related to employee felt accountability and negatively related to organizational citizenship behavior; (3) job embeddedness is positively related to employee felt accountability and positively related to organizational citizenship behavior. Drawn on these findings, managerial implications and suggestions for future research are thus discussed.