本研究結合影像擷取虛擬實境技術(Video-Capture Virtual Reality)與雙碼理論(Dual-Coding Theory)來建置國小英語互動學習系統。本研究目的在於,建置一套名為 PILE (Physical Interactive Learning Environment)的視訊英語互動學習系統,並發展多種不同的學習活動關卡,包括書空寫字練習、字母刮刮樂關卡、具有X光探照燈效果的關卡、拳擊互動關卡、手槍打靶關卡、圖文配對練習關卡、用噴漆罐練習寫出所聽到的句中克漏字等等,每關都有其任務與學習目的。 PILE系統藉由多種不同的刺激配合肢體的動作,加強了孩子們對於學習內容的聯結以及學習動機,並且對於注意力短暫的國小學童來說,也有所助益。另外,本系統亦提供老師一個編輯關卡的介面,方便教師能依不同的教學需求而設計學習內容。 本研究以興雅國小二年級學生為實驗對象,以檢測PILE系統對學習成效的影響,以及師生們對PILE系統的評估;另外也於三芝國小,對四年級的學生進行實驗,以收集更進一步的訪談資料。資料收集方式是採用問卷調查、考卷、訪談以及觀察的方式來評估學習者在使用PILE系統的過程中對於英語科學習態度、學習動機的影響,同時也針對系統程式功能、教材內容設計等方面進行評估,並收集分析老師使用後的觀點,來探討此系統進入教學現場的可行性。 歸納研究所得的結果顯示:PILE系統對學生的學習動機與學習態度皆帶來正面的影響,而教師在搭配PILE系統讓學生進行學習後,會有較好的學習效果,同時,教師也肯定PILE系統對於學習與教學上的幫助,且學習者主動參與投入學習的程度也高,故PILE系統融入教學的可行性相當高。 This research combined the technology of Video-Capture Virtual Reality and Dual-Coding theory to develop an English interactive learning system- PILE (Physical Interactive Learning Environment). This system included many kinds of Vision-Based learning activities such as “write letter in the air”, “scratch the words or sentences”, “x-ray searchlight effect”, “boxing interaction”, “shooting target”, “match pictures and words” and “writing by spray paint”. Each of them has specific task and learning purpose. It could be helpful for elementary students who have transient attention to enhance their connection of learning contents and learning motivation by physical interaction and various stimulations of Vision-Based learning activities. In addition, we also offered an interface for teacher to edit the learning materials when they have different requirement for teaching. We applied PILE in second-year class of Xing Ya elementary school to know its effect of learning achievement and evaluation. Besides, we also invited forth-year class students in San Jr elementary school to use the system, and interviewed with students to collect the data further. Our study data collected from questionnaire, test, interview, observation and utilized for evaluating not only the learners’ learning attitude but also the function of system program and design of the teaching materials. We also interviewed the teacher to know the feasibility when the teacher applies PILE to assist teaching in the classroom. The conclusion is shown as follows:PILE brought students positive effect on learning motivation and attitudes and made students get better learning achievement when the teacher taught them with PILE. At the same time, the teacher agreed that the PILE is helpful for learning and teaching and it made learner join the more actively. Therefore, it is high feasible to apply PILE to assist teaching in the classroom.