過去研究顯示,我國能源教育的雖然內容豐富而多元,然而編排則多零 星分散於各章節以致於整體教學效果並沒有實際反映在能源消耗上。雖然能 源教育已經實施多年,學生在知識性的素養上雖然有提升,但是能源態度的 培養上則未達相對明顯的效果。本研究提出一個情境式學習結合數位遊戲式 學習的學習模式觀點並依此實作開發一套數位學習遊戲-能源小蜜蜂,詴圖用 此學習模式將能源教育的靜態的學習知識活化成為能真實切身相關的議題, 並使學習者的學習動機能有所提升。實驗中以實驗研究法中的單組前後測以 及單組後測,求得學習者在能源議題的意識、學習動機、系統評鑑等不同方 面的結果。經分析問卷、錄影遊戲過程中的行為之後,得出結論如下: 1.本數位遊戲式學習系統的確有助於提升學習者的動機 2.本數位遊戲式學習系統有助於提昇能源議題的能源意識 Recent studies on energy education reveal that the textbooks about energy education domain are abundance in Taiwan, but the energy education subjects are usually distributed over textbooks of various subject domains so that the whole effect upon energy conservation is not meet the corresponding result. The energy education has been implemented in Taiwan for years, students' knowledge of energy has been promoted, but the promotion of the active attitude has not reach a corresponding level. In this study, we proposed a new learning model, which combines the notations of situated learning and digital game-based learning. The new model was employed to develop a digital learning game – Beenergy. We try to use this digital learning game to have the “static” knowledge about energy become active and become relevant and promote learners’ motivation toward learning. An authentic experiment was also conducted to examine if the project mentioned above did effectively meet the aim of this study. What we learned from this study is as follow: 1. The game can help learners to facilitate their motivation. 2. The game can help learners to facilitate the awareness of the energy subject.