台灣自1970年代基礎建設的完成,伴隨著經濟成長起飛,人們在休閒活動上的需求與消費上也產生重大變化。其中,最令人矚目的休閒活動即為KTV消費莫屬。雖然卡拉OK是由日本發明引進,但卻可以說是由台灣發揚光大。 本研究為了了解消費者類型與KTV消費型態上的關聯性,選擇「個性偏好」與「生活型態」為變數,探討消費者在KTV消費型態的選擇,以利KTV業者在未來消費模式創新上提供一個有效的策略規劃方向。研究結果如下: 一、個性偏好: 1. 網路聊天室消費者有較高的愛現與聯合傾向。 2. 流動式KTV消費者有較高的自主性與支配傾向。 二、生活型態: 1. 網路KTV及網路聊天室消費者有較高的自卑傾向。 2. 包廂式KTV消費者有較高的崇洋傾向。 三、人口統計變數: 1. 包廂式KTV消費者主要為上班族,而網路聊天室KTV消費者主要為無職業消費者。 2. 網路KTV及網路聊天室KTV消費族群以未滿30歲以下較多, 30~39歲消費者則選擇包廂式KTV較多,40歲以上消費者選擇流動式KTV為主。Starting from 1970 after the infrastructure of Taiwan to be completed, accompanied with the growth of economic, the demand and expectation of leisure style amoung people had significant change at the same time. The KTV comsumption in Taiwan society should be the most important that cannot be ignored. In order to discover the relationship between consumer type and KTV consumption style, we choose “Personality” and “Life Style”as the factors to discuss how consumers choose KTV style. We may provide the KTV operators an efficient marketing direction in their further innovation of providing KTV service. We found: 1. Personality: A. IM (Instant Messaging) KTV users have higher Exhibition and Affiliation preference. B. Mobile KTV users have higher Autonomy and Dominance preference. 2. Life Style A. Internet KTV and IM KTV users have higher Inferiority feeling. B. Detached KTV users may tend to fawn on foreign countries. 3. Demographic variables A. IM KTV users are mainly Non-worker while Datched KTV users are mainly workers with jobs. B. Internet KTV users and IM KTV users are mainly below 30 year-old, and 30~39 year-old KTV users prefer Detached KTV, besides more than 40 year-old users prefer mobile KTV.