隨著教育趨勢的變革,學生在學校接受的教育已經不再是被動的去記憶知識,或是機械式般的大量重複練習老師所指導的課業。現在我們希望學生能夠自動自發主動的去建構知識、探索問題、解決困難,同時能夠學以致用,將在學校所學到的經驗運用於在日常生活當中。以數學科來說,學生在解題時,手寫是很有用的工具;學生能將自己觀察到的條件脈絡、認為有用的解題資訊或是將計算式手寫下等等,幫助自己在解題的過程中能夠重新組識與進行反思,最後達成解決問題的目標。 目前學生在進行解題活動時,主要是先看過老師的示範,接著開始進行解題,除了與老師的溝通互動外,與同儕之間的互動較少。其實學生與同儕間的背景相似,溝通容易,彼此之間也都可以給予對方許多回饋與協助;如果在解題活動進行的同時,能夠讓同儕間有更多的互動,那麼學生一定可以從同儕身上學到、得到許多寶貴的經驗,這些也是老師無法透過課堂教學給予學生的。 研究者因此設計了一個數學解題練習系統,同時能夠支援數學解題與同儕互評活動的進行。系統可以將學生的解題歷程記錄下來,並讓同儕針對自己的解題歷程給予批改、評分或建議,學生也可以透過觀摩同儕的解題歷程來學習不同的解題方法,進一步去修正自己的解題歷程。系統從雛型開始發展,經過數次的大型測試,到能夠完善的支援活動的系統後,再透過小型的測試,實際的觀察及探討系統對學生的影響。最後發現學生能透過觀摩同儕的解題歷程來改善自己的解題歷程;學生很喜歡批改同儕的解題歷程並給予許多意見,對於同儕給予自己的意見,學生也會非常的在乎。系統提供了同儕之間的互動管道,讓他們可以針對彼此的歷程檔案進行更多的交流、討論與修正,學生也因此都感到很快樂。With the trend of educational reform, formal education does not mean passively memorizing facts, or mechanically doing massive practices given by teachers. Now, we all except student can take the initiative in learning, to build knowledge, solve problems and learn to live their lives with what they learn in school. Handwriting is an intuitive strategy and very useful for student when solving mathematics problems. Useful clues of the problems can be written to help students solve them. This process can assist them re-organize and reflect during problem solving. At present, teachers demonstrate problem solutions first before the students start to solve problems and interact only with teacher if necessary. In fact, peers with similar background knowledge can communicate with each other more easily than with teahcers. Therefore, they can give more feedbacks to and assist each other. If students can interact with their peers during problem solving, they can learn something different from their peers than from their teachers. For this reason the researcher has designed a pen-based system to support mathematics problem solving with peer assessment for pupils. The system can record complete problem solving processes and dispatch the records to students’ peers for review and assessment. With the system, students can learn different problem solving methods and strategies form peers. Then, students can revise their previous solutions or use different newly-learnt strategies. Evolving from a prototype to a stable version, the researcher has revised the system for several cycles based on the testing results while the system being used in a class of an elementary school. The research also carried out a small scale trial test to investigate how the system could influences the students on problem solving with peer review, and found that the students could revise their work after peer assessment and enjoyed giving feedbacks to each other. The system provided a way for the students to interact with peers doing problem solving.Peer assessment also encouraged more discussion more and provided help for the students.