本研究旨在探討桃園縣客家語教學支援工作人員工作滿意與組織承諾,在不同個人背景變項與學校環境變項的差異情形。研究方法主要以問卷調查法為主,深度訪談法為輔。問卷調查工具以自編的「桃園縣客家語教學支援工作人員工作滿意與組織承諾之研究問卷」,作為施測的工具,施測對象為九十八學年度任教於桃園縣各級學校之客家語教學支援工作人員,共發出80份問卷,回收有效問卷76份,有效問卷回收率95%。等於是對於九十八學年度的桃園縣客家語教學支援工作人員做了普查工作。 此問卷調查研究以SPSS for Windows 18.0統計軟體,進行量化分析發現:(1) 桃園縣客家語教學支援工作人員具有高度的工作滿意與組織承諾。(2)桃園縣客家語教學支援工作人員工作滿意程度,不因性別、年齡、服務年資、專任/兼職、服務學校規模不同而有差異;但因不同的教育程度、服務學校所在地兩變項而有顯著差異。(3)桃園縣客家語教學支援工作人員組織承諾程度,不因性別、年齡、服務年資、服務學校所在地不同而有差異;但因不同的教育程度、專任/兼職、服務學校規模等變項而有顯著差異。(4)桃園縣客家語教學支援工作人員服務學校所在地以南桃園地區居多。 另外,以深度訪談法,進行「桃園縣客家語教學支援工作人員對客語教育政策建議」之分析,將其分為「明確政策方針」、「權利義務法制化」、「正式老師與客語教學支援人員」等三大構面,以MAXQDA 10軟體做質化分析。研究最後,建議教育主管機關應就「2688本土語言教學支援工作人員專案」的政策配套措施與實施時程做明確的揭示。 The purpose of this study is to investigate the differences in the job satisfaction and organizational commitment of Hakka teaching support staff in Taoyuan County in terms of the various personal backgrounds and school environment factors. This study is primarily conducted using a questionnaire survey and supported via in-depth interviews. The questionnaire survey adopts self-developed questions, dubbed “Questionnaire of the Job Satisfaction and Organizational Commitment of Taoyuan County Hakka Teaching Support Staff.” The participants in this study are Hakka teaching support staff involved in teaching the Hakka language in Taoyuan County during the 2009 school year. Eighty questionnaires were distributed, and 76 valid questionnaires were recovered, providing a valid recovery rate of 95 %. The statistical results provide a general survey of Hakka teaching support staff who serve during the 2009 school year. Qualitative analysis of the collected questionnaires is conducted using the statistical software SPSS 18.0 for Windows. The analysis results are as follows: (1) Hakka teaching support staff in Taoyuan County display a high level of job satisfaction and organizational commitment. (2) Hakka teaching support staff’s job satisfaction levels show no differences between gender, age, tenure of employment, part-time/full-time status, and school size; however, job satisfaction levels differed significantly according to educational background and school location. (3) Hakka teaching support staff’s organizational commitment levels show no differences between genders, age, tenure of employment, and school location; however, their organizational commitment levels differed significantly according to their educational background, part-time/full-time status, and school size. (4) More schools in southern Taoyuan County provide Hakka teaching support staff than those in northern Taoyuan County do. Additionally, this study investigates the comprehensive educational policy recommendations proposed by Hakka teaching support staff in Taoyuan County via in-depth interviews. Their recommendations focus on three major elements: clear and definite policy guidelines, legalization of rights and obligations for Hakka teaching support staff, and full-time teachers and Hakka teaching support staff. The qualitative analysis is conducted using MAXQDA 10. This study suggests that educational authorities establish definite supplementary measures and develop a clear implementation schedule for the “2688 project for dialect teaching support staff.”