拜電子商務盛行所賜,網路購物商家得以與消費者隔空交易,網路購物平台透過網際網路提供客戶流、資訊流與金流,經物流宅配業者服務網絡處理物流與金流,迅速完成遠距交易行為。由於交易來往的頻繁,其中不免發生服務失誤(Service failure),客訴事件也相對頻傳不斷,如何有效處理伴隨而來的客訴之重要性,是值得探討的議題。 With the popularity of electronic commerce (EC), more and more customers purchase on EC channels. However, service failure is more likely to happen in EC than in traditional commerce channels where customers have the opportunity to check and ask face to face in the process of transaction. In additions, customers have more network platforms to share their word of mouth in Internet if their complaints are not dealt properly. Proper police to handle customers’ complaint is more important for EC businesses.