在教學上,教學設計與學習者在小組合作中的學習績效及認知負荷是有緊密關係的,由於每個人有不同的個人特質,教師也必須依照不同的特質來調整教學設計,用以提升學習者的學習績效及降低學習認知負荷。因此,本研究試著由先備知識及分組方式的角度出發,以「JAVA」程式語言為知識域,透過場地實驗法來探討此二個因素對學習績效與認知負荷的影響差異。 本研究採用2 × 2二因子實驗設計,自變項為:「先備知識」分為高程度先備知識與低程度先備知識;「分組方式」分為同質分組及異質分組。依變項為:「學習績效」與「認知負荷」。透過對不同先備知識受試者的同質與異質分組操弄方式,對資管系大學部134位學生施以場地實驗法,進行六週的課堂學習及合作練習解題,本研究共實施四場(每場各2小時)小組學習的場地實驗,從學生小組合作討論與解題以及問卷的結果收集量化資料,統計分析後由研究結果發現: 1. 不同程度先備知識的學習者在學習成就上有顯著的差異。 2. 學習者在不同分組方式的小組中,對於學習樂趣有顯著的差異。 3. 學習者在不同類型小組中,學習的認知負荷有顯著的差異。 4. 團體學習績效中,不同類型小組其團隊效能有顯著的差異。 5. 女性較男性有顯著較高的小組凝聚力及小組滿意度。 根據以上結果,本研究最後提出教學設計應注意的事項與未來方向及建議,以提供學術界或實務界參考。 In educational literature, close relationships among instructional design, cognitive load, and learning performance have been found. Because of the differences in personal characteristics between learners, instructors have to adjust instructional design accordingly in order to promote learners’ learning performance and decrease cognitive load. Therefore, this study employed JAVA programming language as learning subject to investigate whether different grouping types and prior knowledge level to make differences in learners’ learning performance and cognitive by a field experiment. The study followed a 2 × 2 quasi-experimental design with two independent variables “prior knowledge” (high and low) and “grouping types” (homogeneous and heterogeneous). The dependent variables were “learning performance” and “cognitive load”. A six weeks field experiment including 134 undergraduates majoring in information management was conducted. The results are as following: 1. Subjects who have different prior knowledge level have significant difference in learning achievement. 2. Grouping types result in significant difference in subjects’ learning enjoyment. 3. Prior knowledge and grouping types have significant interaction effects on cognitive load. 4. Significant differences in team collective efficacy were found in different group types. 5. Female students scored significant higher in group cohesion and group satisfaction. According to the results above, implications for future research and directions were provided at the end.