摘要: | 本文以觀音鄉的社區故事為背景,從地理位置、海島型氣候環境等自然景觀,加上人文色彩的環境因素,自然與人文兩者的條件,形構社區歷史發展的軌跡。有如:海岸線的千年藻礁生態、海水浴場的觀光休憩、養殖魚貨產業、農業耕作開墾、後現代工業的文明、文化創意產業的興起、族群政治經濟的地位和立場、大環境的教育政令..這些都是推動觀音鄉社區發展的主因,也是觀音鄉重要的文化資產寶藏。再者,全文主要探討客家人佔多數的觀音鄉社區發展中,客家人如何主導社區發展?客家人扮演的角色?客家文化對社區發展的影響及客家文化的消長情形。至於本文的研究目的,在作更深入地探究現階段觀音鄉的社區發展與客家文化資產傳承議題之間的互動關係,唯有深刻的體認客家文化資產傳承的意義,才能夠更加了解客家文化資產在社區發展的價值。This essay reports the trajectory of the community development in Guanyin Township. It is composed of: first, its natural landscapes, given its geographic location and marine climate; and second, its cultural environment. Such elements as its rising beach tourism, growing agricultural economy, emerging postmodern creative industries, its millennial algal reef along the coastline, aquaculture industry, its ethnic politico-economic condition, and the educational policy in Taiwan, to name a few, are critical cultural and natural resources of the township, thus have constituted the major factors of the community’s development. This research explores, by showing the community development in Guanyin Township, how Hakka as a majority lead their community, the role they played, the impact of their culture on the community development, and the vicissitude of the culture. Its purpose is to examine the relation between the community development of the township and issues of the heritage of Hakka Culture. The author finally argues that we shall be unable to capture the value of Hakka Culture in the community development, unless we can realize the meaning of its heritage. |