地球自然環境的改變、極端氣候的發生,人類的生活秩序受到了極大的擾亂。在加上近幾年資本主義社會出現了脫序現象,並引發了一連串金融風暴帶來全球性的經濟災難。因此,企業永續經營的課題更是令人不得不重視。當然,根據國際研究機構普遍的定義,企業永續經營的三大面向-「經濟面」、「環境面」以及「社會面」是必須均衡兼顧的。「客戶」是企業賴以生存非常重要的基礎,所以在經過「企業永續性評鑑」(例如道瓊永續性指數)審視下的「客戶關係管理」的基本議題是不容忽視的。 本研究是藉由研究道瓊永續性指數對於電子設備產業的客戶關係管理判準項目做一研究,並以台灣電子設備產業D公司為對象,探討其如何能於2011年首次通過道瓊永續性指數評鑑獲選為其成分股。同時,也希望藉由此一發現能提供更多台灣企業當作參考,積極參與全球性的企業永續性評鑑,藉此改善企業體質、提升企業競爭力。In recent year, the earth has been changed and extreme climate is disturbing our daily life. In addition, the capitalism society is getting out of order and causes a lot of financial tsunami.Therefore, the corporate sustainability concept is becoming more and more important issue. The defined “Corporate Sustainability” should be focus on the Triple Bottom Line (TBL): “Economic”、 “Environment” and “Society”, which have to be operated in equilibrium . “Customer” is one of the most important key factor for a corporate surviving. So that, the qualified “Customer Relationship” under inspected by the “Corporate Sustainability Index” (for example, DJSI) is non-ignorable practice. In this study, the Criteria of “Customer Relationship management” defined by Dow Jones Sustainability Indexes(DJSI) in “Electronic Equipment Section” will be discussed companied with the target company, who was selected to be the DJSI Group in 2011. Hopefully, the result helps those who are interested in the “Corporate Sustainability” activity, which might improve themselves in the business operations.