電視是傳遞資訊及大眾娛樂重要的媒介,對於被賦予拯救客家文化和振興語言的客家電視來說,具備相當性的指標和意義。而客家旅遊節目作為一種傳遞客家文化和再現客家族群面貌,使觀眾更能貼近客家族群在地生活與常民文化。本文以客家電視《59庄幸福快樂行》旅遊節目為例,分析節目如何勾勒客家族群的面貌與特質,以及客家文化的再現。同時,探討產製的過程受到那些因素和制度的影響,成為旅遊節目的內容。研究方法採用文本分析法和深度訪談法,經由節目影像文本進行客家文化的再現詮釋,並透過與節目相關人員進行訪談,瞭解節目再現的意義與產製的製作思維。 研究發現,《59庄》是以輔導南部客籍團隊、傳遞南部客家風情為主,再現的是客家相關的食衣住行、客庄景點以及在地生活文化,並透過旅遊節目來認識客家族群文化及景點。雖然在影像文本中,仍無法脫離成規的客家論述,不斷的重複與再製,皆與多數文獻書寫的客家族群大致相同,使文本與產製趨於一致性,但節目內容論述及再現的客家並非僵化固定的,而是有變動和翻轉的可能。透過電視媒體,節目建立族群認同和歸屬感,試圖連結當代客家族群在地生活樣貌及重現客家族群在台灣的身影。而節目產製的過程,則是受到公共頻道、客委會、客家電視、製作群與節目受訪者等多重複雜的機制下,彼此交錯編織的結果。 Television has become an important vehicle for spreading information and entertainment. It is also an indispensable tool to save Hakka culture and promote Hakka language. People can close to Hakka and their own daily culture by watching Hakka travelling program, which is an important media to express Hakka culture and represent the their original appearance. The case study of Hakka TV’s travelling program “Happy trips in 59 Hakka villages” is going to explain how Hakka culture represents and what are represented in this travelling program. This study uses textual analysis and conducts an in-depth interview to investigate how Hakka travelling program is produced. The result indicates “Happy trips in 59 Hakka villages” program mainly describes and expresses Hakka culture and its basic necessities of life in south of Taiwan. It also promotes Hakka culture and touring scenes. It’s almost the same description and consistent with past researches in films text, but there is the possibility of changing on representing Hakka culture. Hakka travelling program tries to establish ethic identity and a sense of belonging through representing Hakka daily life. The process of producing Hakka travelling program is related to Hakka Affair Council, Hakka TV, production team and interviewee and so on.