台灣的加油站業原屬於國營企業中國石油股份有限公司所獨佔經營,自70 年代起,台灣的經濟高度發展帶動了改革與開放。在石化產業方面,政府於76 年開放加油站民營政策,造就了台灣加油站業的榮景。後續的開放政策:84年開 放民營煉油廠,90年開放油品進口,國內汽、柴油產量倍增,但台灣這個蕞爾之 島汽、柴油的市場需求有限,新品牌的出現與產能大幅增加,造成石油產業中, 上游的煉油廠與下游的加油站業發生激烈的競爭。加油站業者由贈品戰開始,部 分業者採行價格戰,而免費洗車服務在92年起在全台各地風行,免費洗車除了 讓業者在激烈競爭中承受更沉重成本支出之外,顧客也未必珍惜這項服務,造成 資源的浪費甚鉅。 本研究藉由研究個案公司在同業贈送免費洗車的紅海市場中,藉由一連串的 服務品質的提升,運用洗車設備的更新、推出更多元服務項目等方式,建立差異 化,並成功創造出洗車服務的藍海市場經營策略,引領加油站同業走出免費洗車 的惡性競爭,轉變為以提高服務品質,提升顧客滿意的經營模式,樹立加油站洗車服務的新典範。 Taiwan’s gas stations were originally monopolized by state-owned Chinese Petroleum Corp. (CPC). During the 1980s when strong economic development drove reform and opening-up, gas stations were privatized in the petrochemical industry in 1987 and prosperity ensued. Following liberalization policies on refineries in 1995 and petroleum product import in 2001, the domestic output of gas and diesel dramatically increase. Yet given the island’s limited demand for gas and diesel, the establishment of new brands, and rising output, competition becomes fierce for refineries and gas stations in upstream and downstream supply chain. Some gas stations begin providing customers with gifts while others offer discounts. The free car wash service, which has become popular in Taiwan since 2003, has only increased not only operating costs, but waste of resources since customers may not appreciate the service. This study investigates how the case company differentiates itself by enhancing service quality, introducing new car washing equipment, and launching diverse services as others offer free car wash service in the competitive red sea market. As the case company develops blue ocean strategies of car wash service successfully, the vicious competition is ended and service quality is enhanced. The company’s business model for improving customer satisfaction has indeed built a new paradigm for the gas station car wash service.