截至目前(101年)台灣公路已累計5,143公里,其中公路橋梁2,989座占了524公里達到了整體公路系統的10.2%,日漸完善的公路系統逐漸朝向養護管理的方向,交通部運輸研究所於100年10月研擬了「橋梁目視檢測評估手冊(草案)」說明了橋梁檢測的標準流程及作業方法,採用的檢測方式為目視檢測搭配DER&U評估法其檢測相當耗時費工,橋梁檢測中包含了橋梁的檢測時間、交通的旅行時間、車輛及人員差異等因素,依據目前公路橋梁檢測作業機制發展一套規劃模式將工務段的資源進行最佳化指派,並配合Lingo運算軟體於合理之時間內求解最佳化排程係為本研究之主要核心,將目前作業排程與本研究成果相互比較,所得之結論確實可以有效提升效率,並可配合現況資源異動重新調整限制,立即重新規劃排程有效靈活運用於現況作業機制,有此可知本研究成果確實可提供較快速且有效的資源派遣決策,最後將相關之結論與建議提供參考。 Thus far, the Taiwan highway network has reached 5,143 km in length. The total length of all 2,989 highway bridges is about 524 km, 10.2% of the total highway length. The management system for the highway network has become better and better and stepped to maintenance type. In October, 2011, the Institute of Transportation, MOTC published “A Study on Drafting the Bridge Visual Inspection and Evaluation Manual”, detailing the SOP and methodology of bridge inspection. Normally, Taiwan’s bridge inspection is combined with visual checking and DER&U methods. This inspection method takes a long time and requires huge amounts of human resources because it includes so many basic items such as the duration of inspection, travel time, differences in vehicle velocity and so on. This thesis develops a mathematical model calculated by the Lingo software for optimization of bridge inspection within a reasonable period of time under the current rules. Comparison of the results of current methodologies and this new strategy shows that the new methodology can enhance the efficiency and immediately readjust the schedules with changing conditions. Furthermore, results can be obtained faster and more effectively make resource arranging strategies.