中文摘要 客家童謠富有啟蒙兒童智慧之功能。除了唸誦之外,它有節奏、韻腳、趣味、富有文學性,還可以配合遊戲,讓兒童從中學習豐富之客家語言與客家文化。而客家童謠是唸謠,「四縣山歌、海陸齋」,海陸腔適合唸誦,能充分發揮唸謠的特色,與經文的唸誦有異曲同工之妙,正好發揮海陸腔韻律之美。本研究採取海陸腔教學,並透過行動研究方法,檢視客家童謠融入客語教學的執行、行動、觀察與省思,以達成童謠教學成效,並作為推動幼兒客語教學的藍本。研究發現,客家童謠課程設計模式,可以透過教學活動的CRC模式與ASSURE模式,而使用行動研究藉由行動團隊具專業又有豐富的教學經驗,隨時修正與改進教學設計,讓教學的品質與效果更臻完美,而達到預期的成效。研究建議包括:(1)以「客家謠遙搖」作為客家童謠教學模式與推廣方案;(2)營造幼兒客語生活環境;(3)客語教學資源分享等。 關鍵詞:客家童謠、客語教學、海陸腔、行動研究。 The Action Research of Hakka Children’s Ballads Integrate into Hakka Teaching—Take the Class of Hakka Heritage for Example Abstract Hakka children’s ballads have the function of inspiring children’s wisdom. They can be chanted, and the tempo, rhythm, interest and literariness also help children learn the language and culture from games. Hakka children’s ballads should be read out.『Sii-Cieng tone suit Hakkanese folk song,Hai-lu tone suit Lection』. The tone of Hai-Lu is especially suitable for being read out. Its sound effect just like the way Chinese poems’ being read out. Meanwhile, we can appreciate the beauty of the ballads by reading out. My study is based on Hai-Lu tone and through the action research to learn how Hakka children’s ballads integration in Hakka teaching. During the teaching process, I observe and reflect the result whether Hakka children’s ballads can contribute to Hakka teaching and finally become the prototype of Hakka teaching. The study shows curriculum plans could be implemented via teaching activities of CRC mode and ASSURE mode. In teaching, the action team revises and improves teaching plans with time. Furthermore, the teammates’ specialized and abundant teaching experiences enhance the quality of teaching, even make it more perfect. The result of study shows in line with the original expectation. My study suggests three ways to teach Hakka. First, to teach and boost the project with “Hakka ballads、multimedia、and activities.” Second, to create a Hakka children’s living environment. The last, to share the resources of Hakka teaching. Keyword:Hakka children’s ballads, Hakka Teaching, Hai-Lu Tone, Action Research.