亞洲金融風暴後,我國銀行業企業金融因逾期放款增加而緊縮業務,轉向衝刺消金業務使雙卡發量爆增,2005年引發雙卡風暴,2006年雙卡呆帳問題導致我國銀行業嚴重虧損。 2007年私募股權基金入股萬泰、安泰、大眾三家國內銀行,在私募股權基金長期受到國際金融市場的關注、國內金融業牽一髮動全身的生態、以及台灣金融業過度競爭問題存在多年的情況下,私募股權基金入股我國銀行業之議題值得深入探討。 本文主要研究私募股權基金入股三家銀行後,積極打消呆帳、致力提升經營績效、獲利能力改善之個案研究,以及對於未來台灣金融業之影響及發展。 After Asian financial crisis, many banks in Taiwan underwent business recession due to the swelling of non-performing loans. In turn, those banks came to embrace the consumer finance. As a result, we saw an explosive increase in credit card and cash card issuance. Finally, in 2005, this excessive credit expansion led to the so called “two-card crisis,” which worsened the problem of bad debts and in the end caused a great loss in Taiwan’s financial business. As we can see, the Private Equity Funds have gained momentum and drawn international attentions for years. In 2007, the Private Equity Funds bought shares in three local banks. Nonetheless, there are many things in our concerns, such as over-competition and the indigenous politico-economic complex of local finance, as we look to the future of such business. Thus, what the PEFs could come into effect in this regard deserves further analysis. This research mainly focuses on the consequences of the PEFs’ investment and their involvement in three local banks as a case study, with special concerns on charge-off, profitability, management performance as well as the future development of Taiwan’s financial industry under these effects.