銅箔基板(Copper Clad Laminate,英文簡稱CCL),是電子工業的基礎材料,受到全球景氣終端市況不佳影響,產能供過於求,產業形成高度競爭,削價競爭者眾;加上工資高漲、環保法規與執行力度嚴格等,使成本上升。企業必需迅速妥善應對以求生存與發展,本文探討企業在大環境不利的情況下,應對市場環境下的積極措施,並以上市公司AA電子為例,探討為求永續生存,管理階層採用的方式,使能保持獲利水準,脫穎於同業。研究結果顯示,持續研發使產品具有差異性,良好的製程控制並設備自動化以達到客戶需求品質、降低內外部失敗成本。配合客戶地域需求持續投入擴充規模經濟,良好的供應鏈、合理的KPI指標管理以控制成本,此種種作為之下以確保穩定獲利。 Copper Clad Laminate (abbr. CCL) is the basal material of electrical industry. Influenced by poor global prosperity and affected in bad terminal marketing also supply superior than necessary and lower the price by competitor. The market situation become highly competitive. Besides wage upswing and demanded by the law of environment protective and performance highly asked. Induced up the cost. Enterprise need to give powerful method to improve the situation for survive and development. In this thesis, discuss enterprise in the difficult circumstance situation bring forward powerful method. And discuss a case of AA Co. Probe for survival that management level take some rule to keep profit and outstanding in the same business field.The analysis indicates that invest more on research and development engage in product differentiation. Well Process control and automation to approach meet the quality of customer’s needing. Reduce the cost of failure include internal and external district. Invest new plant for the needing of customer . Extend economic scale. Outstanding supply chains and rational KPI is to control cost. So under all these behavior is to insure highly steady profit.