摘要: | 近幾年來,由於全球經濟不景氣,企業為了生存與永續發展,無不在找競爭利器,而豐田生產方式,正是近幾年備受推崇的有效的管理方式。它由現任豐田汽車副社長大野先生於多年前開發出來,不僅在今天獲得優異的成果,更被認為是無可限量的革新生產方式。TOYATA近年來其各項經營哲學與及時生產JIT (Just in Time)到豐田生產方式(Toyota Production System)甚至(Toyota Way),不斷的受到企業界及學術界的重視。若要了解豐田(TOYOTA)組織結構、歷史背景、行銷手法、服務等面向,需要提出幾個問題。豐田汽車是秉持著什麼樣的理念才能獲得好評與讚賞?豐田登上全球第一寶座的祕密武器又是什麼?是什麼成就了豐田這一切輝煌?是什麼使豐田成為「優質」品牌代名詞?豐田汽車到底是如何佔於汽車界一席之地呢?以上都值得我們一起去探討。 本研究採個案方式,以豐田公司管理模式中最有特色的生產方式為基點,運用於個案公司,讓廣大讀者能夠學習其中寶貴的管理知識。學習豐田管理模式,最重要的是領略豐田的精神,只有這樣,才不僅僅停留在豐田體制、機構的表面,而能夠深入核心、理解精髓、為我所用。 本論文研究目的,希望藉由個案公司運用豐田JIT(Just in Time)的成果,提供其它企業新思考,所以本研究主要分為三部份,首先以由個案實證,呈現個案公司如何導入進行豐田JIT(Just in Time)現場改善模式,其次依個人推行JIT(Just in Time)現場改善實務經驗提供具體成果,並作成結論與建議,提供其它公司導入JIT(Just in Time)的參考,最後提出給後續研究者研究方向,做為日後後續研究相關課題之參考。 In recent years, owing to global economic recession, enterprises have been seeking competitive edge for their survival and sustainable development. Toyota Production System (TPS) is the effective way for management which has been receiving high praise. It was developed many years ago by Mr. Taiichi, the current vice president of Toyota Motor Corp. (TMC). Not only is TPS productive, but it is also considered as a revolutionary production system without limitation. From a variety of operating philosophies, to JIT(Just in Time), to Toyota Production System (TPS), even to Toyota Way, Toyota has constantly drawn attention from the business world and the academic world. To understand aspects like organizational structure, historic background, marketing strategies, services, etc of Toyota, the following questions need to be asked. What ideology does TMC hold to receive all the praises? What is the secretive edge for Toyota to become world no. 1 and what role does it play? What sets up the dynasty of Toyota? What makes Toyota the synonym of High-Quality brand? How does Toyota take its place in motor world? All are worth an insightful look. This research has been conducted by case study method. Through the introduction of the most characteristic production system in the managerial model of TMC to the case company, the research enables readers to learn the precious managerial knowledge. Most of all, to learn TPS is to realize the spirits of Toyota. This is the only way to get to its core, grasp its essence, and make it yours, instead of just looking at the surface of Toyota’s infrastructure and system. This research aims to provide a new perspective to other enterprises through the fruitful results of JIT(Just in Time) adopted by the case company. Therefore, the research is divided into three parts. For the first part, the research conducts an empirical study on how the case company introduced the field improvement model of JIT(Just in Time). For the second part, through the specific results yielding from personal practical experiences by introducing field improvement of JIT(Just in Time), it makes conclusions and suggestions to provide a reference to other companies while introducing JIT(Just in Time). For the last part, it proposes a research aspect to be a reference of related themes for future researches. |