摘要: | 本研究是在現今房價不斷攀新高與政府打房政策不見成效下,希望能建立一個公開的不動產交易平台,使買賣價格透明化、房價不再被投資客炒作及政府能合理徵收到相關稅務收入。進而有效抑制房價不合理的攀升,回歸正常且合理的供需面。 因近幾年不動產仲介在其網站架設上,提供了線上看屋及查詢相關的成交行情,故本研究的動機即希望房屋土地買賣,能像目前證券交易一樣,能公開在網路上出價。 目前每家證券公司都有網路下單的服務,因此便產生一個嶄新的想法:若房屋土地買賣能透過政府把關,即政府可以將不動產仲介的功能單純化即僅提供帶看服務,若有意購買該不動產則須於該地區之地政網站上下標,以價高者得標。本研究以交易成本理論為基礎,利用文件分析與專家訪談法推論成立土地房屋交易集中市場的可行性,以及執行之後對利害關係人:主管機關(地政)、仲介、代書與一般民眾的影響。 關鍵詞:不動產、房價、打房、交易成本理論 Currently, along with the the soaring price of housing and ineffective government policy of restraints on soaring price of housing, this study attempts to establish a public transaction platform of real estate to make the prices of transaction to be transparent, not allow speculators’ roaring investment in the price of housing, and government to be able to levy relevant taxes, and then effectively restrain the price of housing from unreasonable soring and return to normal and reasonable supply-demand situation. In recent years, due to the real estate brokerage set up their own official websites to provide the on-line open house service and the inquiry of relevant closing prices, thus this study’s motive is to make the transaction of real estate and land to be the same as the transaction of securities and stocks which can be traded on-line openly. Presently, every securities firm has its own on-line trading service, therefore, it came out a novel idea: if the transaction of housing and land can be managed by government, that is, government can simplify the function of real estate brokerage to provide the open house service only, and then if customers are interested in certain real estate, they have to bid on it in the website of local land administration, bidder with the highest price will won the bid. This study is based on the transaction cost theory to use the Documentary Researich and expert interview to infer the feasibility of establishing the land and housing transaction concentrated market, and the influence on stakeholders: authorities (land administration), brokerage, scrivener and general population. Keywords: real estate, the price of housing, restraints on soaring price of housing, transaction cost theory |