隨著數位化的發展,全世界積極發展數位化學習,學生的學習不再只是教室內的學習,而是利用全球網路進行個人化的學習,由學習者決定學習內容,並評量學習成效;然而,在目前國小數學課程大多由老師來主導,採用螺旋式教學,這種方式雖然可以配合學生的能力發展,卻無法讓學生以巨觀的角度了解知識與知識之間的關係。因此,本研究設計並發展一套以知識地圖為主體的數位學習遊戲,稱為「數學島」。此遊戲主要對象是針對國小一年級學生,目的是在幫助學生主動探索數學重要概念與關聯,利用系統中可視化的圖示來表現學生的學習歷程與學習成效,不同於傳統教師掌握學習的知識地圖,學生機械式的接受授課內容。本研究提供學習每個概念所需的學習教材,由學生主導,自行選擇學習內容,並根據學習內容調整自己的學習方向。 本研究旨在探討透過數學島學習數學,對於學生數學知識地圖的產生與可視化的學習歷程帶給學生自我進度學習有什麼影響。本研究使用低年級數學能力診斷測驗、動機問卷、訪談等研究工具進行資料的蒐集與分析。研究結果顯示學生透過數學島學習數學能建立學過知識之概念,並且部分學生的學習進度超越當學期的進度,從能力診斷測驗中得知學生成績達顯著的進步。其表示數學島的設計確實能幫助學生進行數學學習。 With the development of technology, students learn knowledge not only in the classroom, but also individually via Internet. They need to decide what they want to learn, and how well they learn. However, primary mathematical education currently adopts teacher-centered learning with spiral curriculum. Although spiral paradigm may be suitable for students’ ability development, it cannot allow them to realize the relationship among knowledge. Therefore, this study designs an educational game, called “Math Island”, which is based on a knowledge map. This game is designed for first graders to build core mathematical concepts and their relationship. Unlike conventional instruction in classrooms, the game provides learning materials in a game-based knowledge map, which allows students to explore. In Math Island, they may choose learning content, and adjust their direction for self-paced learning. This study aims to investigate the effect of Math Island on students’ knowledge development as well as the influence of mathematical knowledge map and visualization learning process on self-paced learning. For preliminary evaluation, this study used a mathematical ability assessment for low graders, motivation questionnaires, and interviews for data collection and analysis. The results showed that Math Island may significantly improve students’ mathematical ability. Furthermore, some of the students may learn beyond the standard progress. These findings implied that the design of Math Island may help students learn mathematics.