本研究的目的主要在探討班內與班外同儕回應對於國小三年級學生寫作之表現與感受的影響,在先前開發的寫作系統「我的出版社」中加入同儕回應系統「審查部」,協助同儕回應活動的進行。活動方式分為班內形式與班外形式,班內同儕回應是指老師分配班級內的學生以小組形式進行,各組員間互相評論對方文章;而班外同儕回應是指系統透過演算法配對不同班級間學生的互評關係,且具有匿名性。 本研究實驗對象為中壢市某國小三年級兩個程度相當的班級,共49位學生,男生27人,女生22人。在為期約7週的12堂課程中,進行三回的同儕回應活動,第一回為班內同儕回應,第二回為班外同儕回應,第三回混合班內與班外同儕回應。 研究結果顯示: (1)學生在評論班內同學文章時較著重在文章表面的問題。 (2)學生文章經由同儕回應後能夠修正7成錯字。 (3)修改後的文章字數增加有限。 (4)學生對於班內同儕回應與班外同儕回應的喜愛程度沒有差異。 (5)學生在使用「我的出版社-審查部」後態度多為積極與正面。 This object of this study is to explore the effects of the face-to-face and online peer response approaches on third-grade students' writing performance and perception. The new function “Review Department” was implemented based on the previous game-based writing system “My Publishers” to support peer response writing activities, which include two modes of peer response. One is that a teacher groups students and the members in each group know each other as well as the reviewers are from the same group. The other is that writing articles will be automatically assigned to the reviewers who are from other classes by the system. The review processes are double-blind review. In other words, the relation between the author and the reviewers is anonymous. The participants in this study were 49 third-grade students (27 boys and 22 girls) from two elementary classes in Chungli City.
The findings were as follows: (1) Students will put more emphasis on the surface level of response when commenting on the articles from their classmates in the same class. (2) The 70 percent of the wrongly written words in students’ articles could be corrected by conducting peer response writing activities. (3) The increase of words in the students’ revised articles is limited. (4) Students’ acceptance of peer response mode is not apparently different between reviewers from the same class and from other classes. (5) The attitude of students became more active and positive after using "My Publishers - Review Department".