廠商之間的產品愈趨同質,相互間在消費者心目中的替代性就愈強,相互間便愈具競爭性;因此企業必須重視顧客關係管理,才能有效產生差異,並提升自身的營運效益。然而,究竟是哪些關鍵影響因素在左右顧客關係管理的成敗?本研究發現某一股票上櫃之連接器個案公司,於2005年年初至2007年年底這36個月當中的營運期間之股價呈現負向下跌走勢,並試圖從顧客關係管理關鍵影響因素的構面角度切入,對個案公司為何會有此一不佳的營運表現做一探討。 ;The higher similiarity is between two competitors’ products, the more competitive and alternative is between these products. Therefore, companies should utilize customer relationship management to create an effective segmentation and increase their profits. But, what are the key influence factors that really play an important role upon customer relationship management? This research is focusing on a specific local public company’s stock price decline during a 36-month period from Jan. 2005 to Dec. 2007 and trying to provide a related explanation why this subject company was suffering such a poor performance from the viewpoint of a customer relationship management segmentation.