隨著全球商務與觀光需求的發展倍增,航空運輸業發展在全球發展方興未艾。台灣航空運輸需求因應國內經濟成長之起飛及國民所得的增加,在國內城際交通運輸及國外需求顯著提升下遂行天空開放政策,台灣國籍航空在國際航線上有與外國籍航空公司的競爭;國內航線也有因高鐵加入營運所形成的壓力,航空公司的經營績效成為討論上的重點。本研究針對國內近五年來五家國籍航空公司,以資料包絡分析方法(DEA)進行經營績效分析,並透過Tobit迴歸分析驗證其他外生變數對DMU在生產效率上之影響以補足DEA在該部分之解釋與論述,以期由本研究中所討論出之效率意義對五家國籍航空公司之整體效率趨勢及個別航空公司之效率改善提出分析,以作為未來努力之方向。研究結果顯示,五家國籍航空在整體效率值的部份其技術效率值大幅優於總效率值,除遠東航空公司外,達到相對有效率的DMUs高達50%以上;在投入產出項之最適投入產出及差額變數分析中發現,中華及長榮二家航空公司在整體效率值改善的努力上,對載客率及載貨率需投入長期的努力以提升效率;敏感度分析中發現,營業成本與營業收入為影響各國籍航空整體效率值的最大因素。由Malmquist指數中,顯示出在跨期效率在整體及技術效率皆呈現改善的有中華及長榮二家航空公司;整體效率改善最需努力的為遠東航空公司,而復興及立榮航空則必須注意其技術效率的退步趨勢。最後在Tobit迴歸分析中,對CCR總效率值有正面的影響的顯著外生變數有起飛準點率(OTP)及飛行架次(FLT)二項;影響BCC技術效率的外生變數呈現正相關且顯著者則僅有起飛準點率(OTP)。顯示準點率(OTP)無論對CCR或BCC值皆有正面且顯著的影響。 ;The airline transportation industry has been developing since 80’s based on the development of rapid growth in economic and tourism. The airline companies are facing strong competitions from different ways. For one thing, more and more oversea airlines provide the service in international and continental flight. What is more, the high speed rail definitely causes the huge impacts on the industry. Under such an environment, the operational performance evaluation of airlines would be absolutely important. The study was mainly proceeded by Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA) to exam the relation of efficiency between the inputs and outputs in Decision Making Units (DMUs), Tobit regression was applied to supplement the study subsequently. As per the results of study, it obviously points out the BCC efficiency is much higher than CCR efficiency, both of China Airlines and Eva Air should increase the Passenger Load Factor (PLF) as well as Cargo Load Factor (CLF) for long-term improvement of CCR efficiency. Add to this, Operational Cost and Operational Income are two dramatic factors to bring about the change of CCR efficiency by sensitivity analysis. In Malmquist Analysis, China Airlines and Eva Air have made progress in Technical and Scale Efficiency (TSE) improvement, but Far Eastern Air Transport should pay much more effort to improve it. And TransAisa Airways and Uni Air should deliberate the way to increase its Technology efficiency. Furthermore, using the exam of Tobit regression, the external variability On-time Performance (OTP) and Flight Numbers (FLT) have positive and significant effect in CCR performance, but only On-time Performance (OTP) for BCC.