台灣汽車維修產業是一個成熟的技術密集型的服務性行業,其中原厰維修廠因市場份額佔絕對優勢是這一產業的主體。目前,隨著台灣新車銷量逐年遞減,台灣汽車維修產業的業務量增長有限,產業內部競爭激烈,兼具汽車銷售的原廠維修廠,獲利幾乎全部來自汽車維修產生的利潤。因此,剖析台灣原廠汽車維修產業之特性、趨勢及關鍵成功因素等是具有現實意義的產業研究課題。文中通過產業矩陣分析及匯豐汽車維修廠個案研究,指出資訊系統在產業中扮演重要角色、整合學校人力資源已成趨勢,同時提出原廠維修廠可整合「坊間維修廠」開創新的連鎖加盟維修品牌、建立「鈑噴中心」節約人力物力等策略構想,作爲原厰汽車維修業者擬定事業經營策略之決策參考。 ;The car maintenance industry is a mature technique intensive type of service profession in Taiwan, among which the original brand maintenance factories share the main market quota. The maintenance service has become the main source of profits of the original brand maintain factories in charge of sale in Taiwan due to the gradual decrease of the car sale for recent years and the keen competition. Therefore, it is a significant and realistic research topic about the characteristics, trends and key success factors of original brand maintenance factories in Taiwan. By industry matrix analysis and the research into Fortune Motors Co., Ltd, the article points out that the information system plays an important role and to integrate the human resources from relative schools has already become a trend in the industry. Furthermore, the article provides the practitioners of the original brand maintenance factories certain business strategies such as integrating other factories to build up new brand chain of factories and setting up “Body Repair & Painting Center” to reduce costs.