台灣企業派駐大陸管理人員對於其派駐大陸,認為是幸運還是不幸運?其人格特質為何?決策模式又是如何? 本研究採用Wismen (2002)研究結果,瞭解派駐在大陸工作的台灣人其運氣傾向;以Judge et al. (1998) 核心自我評估,分析其人格特質;採用Rowe & Boulgarides (1992)所發展的決策風格理論,用以分析派駐人員主管決策模式。並瞭解人格特質、決策風格與幸運的關聯以及人格風格與決策風格間的關聯。 研究發現,高幸運認知者較內控、低神經質、高自我效能及高自尊;低幸運認知者較外控、高神經質、低自我效能及低自尊,分析型決策風格傾向內控、低神經質及高自我效能;指示型高神經質;行為型則内控、高神經質、低自我效能及低自尊。 ;Is the employees of Taiwanese enterprise that reside in the Mainland China lucky or not? What are their characteristics? And what are their styles of decision making? This study uses the result of Wismen`s (2002) research to under stand the trend of luckiness of the Taiwaneses who work in the Mainland China. Additionally, this study uses the core self-evaluation of Judge et al. (1998) and the theory of style of decision making of Rowe & Boulgarides (1992) to analyze the characteristics and styles of decision making of the employees. In this study, we found that there three types of styles of decision making which include analytical type, directive type and behavioral type. Each type has different characteristics and trend of nerve.